

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Fabric Photo Memories" - New book for Lovey Johnson

Fabric Photo Memories
is a brand new book
Lovey Johnson

It is a collection of collages of African American women
from the 1700's through to the early 1900's.
It is one woman's true labour of love and commitment
to the art of creating fabric photo collages.

In her artwork Lovey utilizes many beautiful textured
fabrics, laces, trims, jewellery and photos
to present an exquisite presentation of

This book is full of the most beautiful photos which Lovey has compiled
she offers the readers many very useful tips and tutorials to help and inspire!

Let us all love and support another artist pave her way to success by
purchasing a copy of her book through:
A digital version is also available.

Congratulations Lovey! We all wish you the very best
with this new venture!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Look at a Journal Page and Hydrangeas

Now that the OWOH Event is over it is time to catch up on
some other things which I am passionate about
but before doing so
I would just like to say a wonderfully big
Thank you so much
for all the amazing comments I received during the past 2 weeks
all the many people who have decided to follow me -
I am truely humbled!!!

So now for some garden pleasures and a peep at a couple of pages I am working on for my
new Fabric Altered Journal.
It is coming to the end of Summer here in Australia and we are starting to see a change
in the colours of the hydrangeas

These have just been picked today!

The pinks are taking on a greenish/pinkish hue.
Don't these look stunning!

And after they have been left to dry in the vase for a couple of weeks
they end up looking more like this!
Just so soft, papery and dreamy.

currently has the most gorgeous images of
her dried Hydrangeas too so go and check out her blog.

Have a Wonderful Sunday.
Love, Suzy

Friday, February 18, 2011


What a truely amazing 2 weeks it has been with the
One World One Heart Event
and along the way I have met some amazing artists
I have responded to some 275 comments
along the way
I am really happy to announce
my door prize (above) has been won by:
Hilda at
Congratulations Hilda!
Please contact me with your details for mailing!

So go and check out Hilda's Wonderful blog and all of her creative work.

Thanks also to Lisa for making this such a wonderful success.

This has also been a time of receiving and I have also been blessed
with some absolutely beautiful prizes myself!
A Big Thanks to all those who have
gifted me!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Crazy Quilt Gatherings Magazine

This is the cover for the brand new magazine
on Crazy Quilting and other Fabric Artworks
produced by Pat Winter  at

The magazine is dedicated to crazy quilting, offering various
crazy quilting projects,
plenty of gorgeous photography,
stash resources, tips, contests
and interviews from crazy quilters worldwide.
I am very happy to announce that
I shall be featured
in this premiere issue
with some of my work included in these images
along with some other wonderful crazy quilters inc.
Pam Kellog
Diane Knott
Terri Takacs
Maureen Greeson
Wendy Shu
Gerry Krueger
Lovey Johnson Debrow
Trisha Evans
Lilla Levine
Rengin Yazitas
Jan Obertein
and others I may have missed.

So if you would like to purchase your paper or digital copy
then visit Pat's blog (above) and you will be directed to
the Publishers -

As this is the first paper version of crazy quilting that I am
aware of we would all love to see it become a huge success.
Many thanks to Pat Winter
for making this publication available to us all!
Hugs to you Pat!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What's on My Table

I was just so impressed, excited and taken by
that I decided to register into her on-line class
so that I could learn some new techniques in binding a fabric journal.

This entails a total number of 60 pages (if that is what you choose )
to create on.
Even though the past week has been full on with the
I have really enjoyed putting together a number of pages
which are still very much in the planning stages
with the trusty wooden pegs keeping it all in some
sort of order.
It so much reminds me of Pandora's Box
that I think that is what it shall be called.
A few glimpses here lets you into some of what
shall be revealed

Wishing you all a wonderful week!
x Suzy