

Friday, December 30, 2011

A Year Ending and A New Year Beginning

With this year ending
and Christmas now behind us -
for some very joyous and for others a little sad
I thought I might share a few gifts I was given from
blogging friends
including Liz

This most beautiful book of tags.

The amount of detail in each one of these
is incredible as are all of the images

she has used.
There is one for every season too.
Liz thank you so much for making these for me
you are just so kind, clever and thoughtful
you really are in my thoughts at the moment
dear friend!

And this most exquisite piece of artistry and creativity
from my very dear friend, Dorthe of

I just have to share some of the detail in this so
that you can really appreciate the artistic talent Dorthe has.

Oh those lovely big blue eyes
with that joyful smile
looking so gorgeous!!!
And look at the tiny fingers so cleverly shaped

as well as the beautiful shoes she is wearing

and the embellishments on her dress!

There is only one word I can think of to express this gorgeous
fairy doll
and that is "Stunning"!

Thank you so much my dear sweet friend
she is so happy to be living with me now in a much
warmer climate too.
You have been just so kind and generous to me - 
 I will really treasure her!
I am so very fortunate to have you in my life!
I have a few more special items to share with you next time
but for now I just wanted you to cast your eyes
over this beauty!

Can you believe that this is just one rose stem
Just look at all of the blooms -
her name is Sally Holmes
and I can only assume the size of this gorgeous rose
is due to the most abundant rain we have been
having this Spring and Summer here

Wishing everyone a most fulfilling New Year creating
what you love, sharing precious moments,
and remembering little acts of kindness to each
and everyone!

Love, Suzy xxx

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Blessings, Christmas Lillies and Gifts Given

Christmas card for someone special!

A Christmas vignette
on our antique dresser

And this is what we celebrate -
The birth of Christ-
a Christian Avatar

Mother and Child

with some gifts to share
to celebrate
the birth

and to remember the lovely friends we have
in our lives for whom we are very grateful!

and to be able to pick these most fragrant
Christmas Lillies
to fill our home
whilst we celebrate this festive season.

a handmade wreath from our home-grown
Wisteria, gum nuts, pine cones
and holly 

as well as these beautiful leaves and foiliage
which grows naturally on our property -
Wild Cherry and Pittosproum
with it dark green glossy leaves and tiny
fragrant flowers.

Wishing all blogging friends, old and new a most joyous and peaceful Festive Season
 tranquility whilst we share precious
time with friends and family.

Thank you all dear friends for your continued support
throughout the year -
you mean so much to me.

with love,
Suzy xxx

Monday, December 12, 2011

I have a WINNER for my GIVEAWAY!!!

Firstly I need to apologize to all of my blog readers
for the fuzziness in my blog header!
I am trying to rectify this at present:

But more importantly

The time has arrived for choosing the winner of
my Giveaway

so without any ado
and using the random generator due to the large number of entrants
Karen Dorcas at

Cogratulations to you Karen and
now my collage will be winging its way all the way
to Alaska - a first time for me!!!!

Karen is a mixed media artist and the most equisite photographer.
I can't thank you all enough for the wonderful
comments left here
by ALL of you!
You are so much part of inspiring my artistic pursuits
onward and upward!

another huge THANK YOU
to all my new followers -
it is wonderful to think my artwork and creations
inspire you enough to become so interested!

I decided to giveaway another little extra gift
being near Christmas as well
to one lucky person
who is amongst the number of bloggers who very generously
placed my Giveaway on their blog
to spread the word
the person to receive this gift
and generated randomly

Jill McCall at
Jill has one of the most charming blogs in blogland and
is a very talented mixed media artist.
Her creations are a feast for the eyes!
I urge you to visit her beautiful blog as well as Karens.

This will come as a complete surprise I am sure!

I am sure you will find a very good use for all of these
 laces, doilies, lace collar
and mop buttons
in your creations Jill!!!

Thank you all again so very much for your continued support!

And just to show that I really am getting into the spirit
of Christmas
I have here a few cards which by now I have made
quite a number

it features a stamped version of the MADONNA!

I do hope
all your plans for Christmas are coming together
slowly and calmly
keeping in mind the true message of Christmas!!!
(Jeff, my hubby, says "eat more cake" he!he!he!)
enjoy your creative week!

Love and hugs, Suzy xxx

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wishing for a "Heart Felt" Christmas

Before sharing  this small felted
and collaged fabric book I would like to say just a huge
"Thank you" to all who have entered my

(see my button on top right!)

for all the wonderful and supportive comments
that have been left by you all!
I am sorry if I have not been able to respond to everyone's
comments as yet but please know that you are SO

Now for the story about the felted book
It was  made
for a dear blogging friend, Paula,
is currently recovering
in Intensive Care following major
heart surgery.

Paula just adores roses so I thought it fitting

to create one based on roses.

The pages have been collaged and quilted
onto chocolate coloured felt
using a selection of vintage laces
and rose fabrics from
my fabric stash.

I made this to give her  inspiration,
courage and strength
for what she was about to face.

This is where it sits - right beside her bed
and it will be there waiting for her
on her return home
for Christmas.

Paula sent me these gorgeous gifts
which she made before she left for the surgery.

Paula is an extremely talented dollmaker,
mixed media artist,
 embroiderer, needle worker
and collage artist.

We are all sending Paula lots of healing energy,
love and support
during this most difficult time
and looking forward to seeing her back in her garden
and her beautiful  studio enjoying each day full of health
and happiness.

Paul's condition is a very sobering reminder of our very short time on this planet and how we must make the best
use of it
as well as the need to look out for each other!

Just a few more completed needlebooks here
which have already been sold!

A final reminder to you all
about my

If you would like to enter please see my
previous post for all the details
to enter
(not on this post).
You still have one week left!

Wishing you all a most relaxing weekend!

A couple of my blogging friends have
also just become the
proud owners of 4 legged fury babies
I wish them lots of fun in
getting to know their new family members!
xxx Suzy