

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I'm slowly on the way back but just can't make it to the Party!

Hello my dear blogger friends!
I was so hoping to join in the "Where Bloggers Create"
party with Karen this year 
as I am still in recovery mode from a bad injury
I feel like I've been in "fog land" for
several weeks now
and these images may convey that.

However, I have been wandering around my studio

and peeking around doors looking for some inspiration

 which will keep my heart on track

for when I am actually able to return

to my studio to

pick up from where I left off - such as
working with these vintage pieces
acquired from a museum.

These are a few images I keep in my mind

and in my view as a reminder of where my heart lies.

I trust you will enjoy these images and hope the
time for my return is coming that
little bit closer.

If you would like to my studio at the party last year then click on my side bar 
"Where Inspiration Happens"

Love and hugs to you all,
Suzy xox