

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sharing Some Sewing Artistry

I don't need to tell you that Blogland is brimming with
some totally amazing fabric, textile and mixed media artists
and I just thought I'd share 
two of these today.
Firstly there is Yvonne (Yitte)
Look at this very clever little nature art dress

with so many beautiful layers supporting
this little nest and egg - layers of
pretty fabrics, doilies and netted laces.

embellished  by Yvonne on her sewing machine

are the words below!!!

and just read the words gracing this beautiful 
paper and lace tag -

and secondly there is Dorthe (Denlillelade)
who is a most masterful dollmaker.

Look at one of her latest driftwood angels
with her hair decorated so beautifully
with a string of buttons
adorned in layers of pretty lace and ribbon
embellished with starfish and flowers! 


  With the clearest blue eyes which spell "serenity" to me.

and these pure white soft and squishy pumpkins

buttoned and tagged with pretty french fabrics!

These amazing artworks are now hanging in my studio
and living on my dresser where
I can be reminded everyday of these lovely friends,
their incredible artistry
and moreover
their hearts of love and friendship
which I am ever grateful for. 

xox Suzy


Monday, October 20, 2014

"Sewing Mends the Soul" - yes it truly does!

 "Sewing mends the soul" is the theme I have chosen
for this collage/wall hanging 
with copper wire.
I think I have been making up for lost time over the
past few months when I could not even sew 
a stitch!

 I feel so blessed in being able to create again
with all of my beautiful vintage fabrics
and laces

I appreciate now, more than ever, the ability to achieve most of what
I desire to achieve each and every day since
having to sit through
such pain
while waiting for my arm and shoulder to mend.
There is very little else as precious as your good health!

 This little vintage sewing tag sits inside the front
of the cut lace pocket.

It is for sale in my Etsy shop
including two new French Angel greeting cards.

 Along with some fine vintage lace, lace fabric
and washi tape I have used this metalic coffee colored
card with matching envelope.

I have been so busy creating I haven't been able
to respond to all of my visitors lately
please know that I appreciate your visits so very much
with your kind comments and I will get to you
all eventually.
This new found energy just keeps me nailed to my art table
just at present!!!!!!
I am sure you know what that's like???

Take care of one another and especially your own health too!

xox Suzy

Thursday, October 16, 2014

French Greeting/Christmas Cards

Who wouldn't be inspired by these
beautiful images?

  I find these images some of the most
beautiful to create cards with
and that's what I have been up to lately

 and once I begin I become completely absorbed
and could go on and on all day. I am sure
the Madonna gives me energy
to create like this!
  I have created these cards in sets of two

this is the second set - above


  The third set is below

 and this is the final set of two - very similar!


These latest cards are now available in 
my Etsy shop. Clicking on the link will take you there!

Thanks for coming to look!
xox Suzy

Monday, October 13, 2014

Before the Roses Bloom!

While many of our blogging friends are experiencing
shorter days with cooler weather
Spring is looming quick 
and fast in my part of the world, Downunder
just thought I would take you on a short walk around the garden as all the 
trees take on their new foliage and plants start to
remind us that they really are still there
and ready to pop!

 Spring - Glorious Spring!

Lush green leaves of this Oyster plant which self seeded
itself in this place as it is getting ready to flower!

 Aah! The Willy Wagtail has chosen the same spot
to nest again! Just look at the intricate weaving
on this dear little nest using spider webs!

 A perfect place to sit and ponder under the magnificent
Chinese Elms.

Little areas where Rhododendrons grow
under the shade of the Crab Apples.

while some shell pink Azaleas
from the bright sunshine!

 Native irises grow either side of the steps leading down to
spreading garden beds that once was a paddock
for the Angora goats!

The exquisiteness of this pink tinged Cherry Blossom!

 and bushes of Lavender growing in and out of
May bushes and Orange Blossoms!



Just in this one spot there are three different varieties of Lavender

where the bees are at work!

 The fragrance from this white Wisteria is just

 and it is only in its second year of growth

 growing happily over our little garden room.

The huge Eucalyptus trees in the background give you
an idea of the size they can grow to!

 The rose bushes are definitely shooting new growth 
on all the bushes now and in the distance
come our much loved Angora babies
curious as to what has been thrown over the fence for them
and this is Darcy
whose mohair fleece will be looking very much shorter
in a week's time when they are all shorn!

Contentment is getting to eat some yummy green
weeds that don't grow out in the paddock where these beauties

 I hope there is much contentment in your lives 
at the moment too!

Love and hugs,
xox Suzy