

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Gratitude

In our house 
Christmas is a time of great joy
as much peaceful introspection as possible.



 For us it is the end of the working year
and a time to acknowledge 
the birth of Jesus, the Christ!

Oh what a special event!





Each year we create a little vignette/temple/puja


 to help remind us
to open our hearts!

 I give thanks to all of my kind readers,
faithful bloggers and silent visitors 
 who have visited throughout the year
wish for you much joy and peace
in the way you choose
to celebrate.

I am ever grateful to you
for the interest, support and friendship you have shared!
Thank you so very much!

xox Suzy

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Our Country Garden

While many of you are preparing for Christmas 
in a cold, wet and sometimes snowy
environment here in Australia
we are in the height of Summer and this is when our garden
puts on its best display for the year so before
I get busy with Christmas cooking etc.
I'll share some of our garden with you
and for all of you garden and tree lovers and out there here
is something to enjoy.

 There is so much beauty within the fenced are as well as
beyond the gate looking out into the bush, the creek and the
magnificent trees.

The garden within the fenced area is huge and over the
11 years that we have lived here we have planted many trees
mainly the more deciduous types which provide
Summer shade and Winter sun to our rambling
country garden.

 The bird life is extraordinary as the bush surrounding
the garden provides the perfect environment
for the small and larger birds as well
as there is access to permanent water in local dams
and in our creek running along our boundary.

This delightful little garden room provides the perfect spot
to meditate, take in all the beautiful Winter sunshine
take in all the beauty which
surrounds us in every direction.

The front of this little room created totally from recycled timber and windows is graced with a white wisteria
interlaced with these 3 metre high Holly Hocks
at one end of the verandah

 and this pretty mauve clematis at the other end




 with roses in between.

 A tree haven interspersed with flower beds,
native irises, May bushes, Lavender bushes
and Orange Blossoms!

 Climbing roses, Abutilons all intermingling
and co-existing happily together.



 The Fox Gloves drop their seed heads and
every Spring season we wonder
what the colours might be!




 So many places to wander, to sit and to breathe in
the beauty in such peaceful surroundings
where all you can hear is bird sound
all day long!

 I wish everybody could enjoy this experience
which is so healing for the soul! -
especially at this time of year when so many
of us get caught up in the "must dos" for Christmas.
Don't forget to take time out to smell the roses 
if you can
sit by that cosy fire lingering a little longer to just breathe
and relax! You deserve that for yourself!

Thank you for coming around the garden with me today!
I know how busy everybody is at this time of year
so visiting and leaving a comment is
truly a bonus!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You are all important to me! Thank you so kindly
to all of my new followers and for your
visits through the year and keeping our
blogging community alive and well where we
can continue to inspire and be inspired
by everything we share 
with each other!

xox Suzy

Friday, December 11, 2015

Animal Shelters Charity Auctions

Dear Bloggers it has recently come to our attention
on Face Book about the
 incredible work some animal charities do to  rescue dogs ( and cats ) in Bulgaria, Romania and Portugal. It is quite unbelievable how animals are treated in those countries, and every day I am in tears when I see photos of these poor creatures left to die in the streets, or hear the desperate pleas for funds from the small charities struggling so much to rescue them.
Through the amazing work of these charities and rescuers
these dogs often change from sad and poor skeletal animals to 
happy and healthy dogs who regain their love and trust for humans
once again, often to be rehomed into a loving and caring situation.

From the kindness and goodness of her heart 
dear Liz of Lululizinlalaland blog has arranged an Auction
of many French items from her own collection to raise money to support
these wonderful charities
inc. French ephemera, beautiful buttons, religious medals, metal pieces etc.  

So please help these poor destitute and homeless once loved
animals regain some love, health and happiness back into their lives again
by joining in this Auction here 
If you wish to read about who will benefit from your contributions
then about them at:

Help Bulgaria Street Cats and Dogs -

The Auction closes on 14th Dec. 

So here is your chance to open your heart today to help
these animals to be fed, hospitalized, vaccinated etc.
and to be loved once again!
They so deserve this!
Many thanks for your support and I send you love with this too!
xox Suzy

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Simply Neutrals Tuesday No. 13 with a Christmas Theme

With this being the last of the Simply Neutrals Tuesday party
I am focusing on a little Christmas creativity so
currently on my table are these
 Vintage angel themed Christmas cards!




I guess it is pretty plain to see that I love creating with angels!


Last Christmas I made several ornaments inc.
these ones:


which have a Jeanne d'Arc flavour


 However you create for Christmas it's all about the
joy it fills your heart with.



Perhaps these images may engender a little
Christmas inspiration for you!
I'm sure you will find much more too if you go and visit
Wen's blog (link above)

 This will be the last party for the year and Wen will be hosting
Simply Neutrals Tuesday starting again on 5th January.
Thank you so much Wen for being our amazing
host for the past 13 weeks.  We appreciate you so much!

Love and hugs,
Suzy xox