

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Mini Journals

Welcome my friends!
Many of you know that I love to create books
and journals 

 much like these above 
more recently I have been creating what I like to call
"Mini Journals" often with a particular theme! 
This particular one is centred around
some beautiful French images
of Madonna and French Saints


 As I often do I have delved into my stash to find
just the right type of felt, vintage laces - antique also

combined with some old silks
and hand stitching.

 The cover displays some printed text overlayed
with a cabachon holding an image
of a French saint


Adopting meaningful verses
to uplift our senses!

 This one has gone to live with another fabric textile artist
but I do have one for sale entitled
"A Mother's Love"


which I will shortly list in my Etsy shop!
or contact me at
if interested.
Having the best intentions of trying to be around more
and thank you all for visiting!
xox Suzy