

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Light of Spring!

  Blooming, blossoming, breezy,
renewal, rejuvinating and refreshing
are words coming to mind
for me right now
as we transition from a very cold winter 
here in Australia



 to the season of Spring, new life, blue skies


new growth everywhere and new bird song
 is promising us
 it really is just around the corner!


and this is my tribute to this new season!


So many thoughts and feelings
shining through this little book making us
feel truly alive and loved!



We truly are looking forward to sitting under a tree, 
reading a book,
listening to the bees,
watching the fish jump in our lake, 
kayaking in the warm water
watching the honeyeaters steel their nectar!
Just some of the things which bring contentment!
Bliss oh joy!

Love to you all!
xox Suzy

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Coastal Walk with Magnificent Scenery

As this morning was such a beautiful, clear and sunny
Sunday my DH, Jeff, Lilly,
 our 14year old poodle and I
took a glorious walk through coastal bushland
to a headland out to sea not far
from where we live
the far south coast of Australia.

As there was no one else around
we had the whole walk to ourselves!

Little paths off the main track led us to
amazing views of the coastal beaches!


You can see where the name "Sapphire Coast"
derives it's name from!


Steep cliffs dropping into the sea like these:


Wind swept trees!

And this is what we saw when we arrived 
at the headland!

 And the walk back through the bush
with the Melaluca trees leaning into each other!

Feeling very blessed to be living so close to such
an amazing rugged coastland along the 
far south east coast of Australia!
Thank you all for coming along this walk with me
and wish you all a wonderful day!
xox Suzy