

Friday, June 25, 2010

Klimpt's "Adele"

As I was sitting at my machine sewing part of my new project I received this email from a friend, Andrea. It's a tapestry interpretation of Klimpt's "Adele". I thought it was so beautiful that I would share it. Klimpt's paintings can be a wonderful source of inspiration in our aspiring creativity in so many ways!
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  1. This is a really beautiful piece Suzy. Very inspiring.Love those colour combinations. I'm doing a piece close to these colours.I love Klimpt's artwork.

  2. Oh, I think I could live with that on my wall. Such a masterpiece.

  3. Yes I agree with you both on just how beautiful this piece is. I think I might just have to look into the purchase of these gorgeous tapestries.

  4. Love your work! Love Sue and Kath xx

  5. Hello Susi, I was just about to comment on your daily post when I saw this at the bottom,suggesting i might like it!
    Oh my word! I surely do love this! Did your friend send this tapestry to you? If so would you take more photos and repost? Did she make this? Simply gorgeous! I too am a huge Klimt fan! Thank you,
    hugs,Jackie ")


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy