

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Journal Page in progress

The bones here of another journal page!
I can't believe how differently it photographs to how it really looks in reality.
Somehow the process seems to flatten the life out of the work but this is the same for everyone (well I guess!!!)
Here I have used more silk in the background, some old and new Indian braids, organza - 3 different ones, some wool, soy tops and embroidery!
To my eye it needs more embellishing which I can do later.
Not sure yet where all this leading but is nice to be creating something!
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Next Journal Page


 This is the second little journal page I have made using sari fabric, silk, printed taffeta, dyed mohair, lace and beads. The edging is cut from a piece of fabric I made from torn silk and other soft fabrics which I hadn't used and decided it would make good border fabric. I know this isn't finished and I will come back and add some more beads etc. Making a small page is a challenge in itself as it gives less scope for experimenting. The next one (after mastering this) hopefully will be larger!
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Fabric Journal Page

I have been planning to make a fabric journal now for some time and today I have made a start. This being my first will be small (not sure how many pages) but the pages measure 6" x 7.1/2" and each page can be completely different or they can follow a theme - of colours, of story, of memorabilia etc. in fact anything!!!. I shall see where this takes me.
Ohhhhh I think it is a bit "me" - have to venture out more!!! - but it is such a lovely way to use all the things you have in your collection of fabrics, threads, trims, braid, beads etc.
I have started with gold silk, then scrim, maroon silk velvet, rust dyed silk, mesh, beads, braid, mohair (from goats - just love using this!) and rayon thread for embroidery - just put together in a collage!

Unfortunately the mohair colour has not come out well at all - it is a deep olive green.
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Shearing Time for Angoras

 These are some before - during- and - after shots of Shearing Day for our pet Angora Goats.  Here they are ready penned in their yard from where I bring them in to Mal, our Shearer, to release them of their gorgeous mohair.  You can really see the feeling of freedom and lightness after shearing as Bessie (Boss Goat) leaps into the air showing off after the event.
Lots more beautiful mohair coming up for dyeing and creating with!
The lustre of this mohair is unbeatable!!!

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Women

These beautifully beaded and needleworked women by Judy (Judy's Fabrications Blog) have been bordered, backed and bound by me in fabrics below and I felt it needed to be adorned and highlighted with this gorgeous gueipure turquoise lace and some beaded braid which I felt was complementary in bringing out the luscious colours in Judy's beading and threadwork.
What an incredible work of art this is!!!
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Another exquisite piece of Judy's work which has now been bordered, backed and bound by me.
These images give you a closer view of the fabrics used.
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Borders Backings & Bindings

Some of you will know that I have had the pleasure of finishing some, of Judy's at JudysFabrications Blog's, Wall Hangings that have been in her collection for a little while now waiting for the final finishing. I thought I might post some of these here to show you some of the fabrics that have gone into these little projects. It has been like finishing off some mini quilts. Each one of these has been a challenge in itself in choosing the appropriate colours, trims and threads with Judy leaving the choices entirely up to my own judgement (even more challenging!!!).

The borders measure between 1.1/2 to 3.1/2 inches and have been backed individually with pelon to bring them up to the weight of each beautifully beaded and embroidered piece then backed with matching fabrics and finally bound in another complementary fabric (often Bali Batik).

They are all packed and ready to send off to Judy who at this stage has only viewed the photos and I only hope I have done justice to these gorgeous wall hangings and that she will be as pleased as I am with the results.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Pair of Needlebooks

Some new work detailed in the following posts below with more detailed images.
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Some Needlebooks

As there has been quite a bit of interest in my needlebooks I thought I would , at the risk of boring my readers, show you these new needlebooks which I have been making over the last 2 days. I have been really enjoying this work as there is just so much scope for experimenting with different effects and materials
These ones will be for sale and there will probably be a more coming.
Materials I have used here include : An embroidered taffeta, Japanese cotton, rusted silk (which I have just done), printed silk, stamping, lace and braid.
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Down in the Garden


I have been working on this piece only for the last couple of hours off and on so that I can take it with me when I meet my friend, Jan, for lunch. It is for her birthday. She, like myself, loves gardening and is an excellent quilter of some 40 plus years. I have left it without binding etc. so that she can incorporate it into her quilting somehow. As she doesn't have an embellisher I know that she will enjoy something different to work with.
I made this on the embellisher using printed silk with roses, lace, organza, organza ribbon, dyed mohair (from our goats) and silk tops. It measures 8" x 12". I would have loved to spend more time on this with beads etc. but so hum! no more time!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Scripted Needlebook

I made this little needlebook for a girlfriend's birthday coming up soon. Sue is an avid quilter also.
I used here my new scripted stamp with lace from an old blouse, printed chiffon, silk, lace and velvet.
Adorned with a little dyed satin rose.
All in shades of lavender.
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Craft & Quilt Fair

Over the weekend I attended the Craft & Quilt Fair in Canberra (capital city of Australia). This is held annually and it is the venue for the Canberra Quilters to display the best of their quilts and also where retailers come together to sell just about everything you can think of to wet your appetite for the latest in fabrics, textiles, felt items, fabrics, books, threads, embellishers, sewing machines and the list goes on and on.
I was able to attend one day only but had an incredibly stimulating time and some how the above items seem to accompany me home- funny about that!!! And those of you who know me and my incredible love of braids, trims etc. you can see that I couldn't go past the above. I also purchased a couple of books -
Layered Tattered & Stitched as well as Threadworks. I also purchased a script stamp which I used to make another needle book! Well what a surprise - yes another one. This is for a quilting friend of mine in Adelaide.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another Gift in the Mail

This absolutely gorgeous gift arrived yesterday from my dear friend (of 40 years), Jo, who dyed this amazing silk scarf using found plant dyes she has gathered herself (I'm yet to discover what!).
The dark charchoal flower and leaf design has been dyed over a background of a soft mushroom shade.
Jo exhibits her work at a gallery in Nelson, New Zealand, where she lives.
Her label is "Water Marks" - eco dyeing. Jo was also instrumental in bringing India Flint from Australia to Nelson to run eco dyeing workshops. India's Blog is www.not all those who wander are
Your beautiful work is so appreciated Jo and I will think of you when I am wearing it.

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Gifts in the Mail

Firstly, from Judy (Judy's
Fabrications) was this parcel as part of our swaps - some really colourful fabrics in different shades of blues, a quilting magazine with CD on Needleturn
Applique and some of her felted and beadwork - just gorgeous!!!
Oh thank you so much for your kindness Judy.
These swaps are a really wonderful way of sharing our work with each other!
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Monday, August 2, 2010

My Interview on "Inspired By"

If you click on the badge on top right hand corner of this blog "Inspired by" you can view an interview by Helen Stead ( with me about my background and work.  You may also view more pics inc. some beautiful roses from our garden.  There is a comment box at the bottom  if you feel inclined!  There are several other interviews here about other Fibre Arts/ Mixed Media artists.