

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Journal Page in progress

The bones here of another journal page!
I can't believe how differently it photographs to how it really looks in reality.
Somehow the process seems to flatten the life out of the work but this is the same for everyone (well I guess!!!)
Here I have used more silk in the background, some old and new Indian braids, organza - 3 different ones, some wool, soy tops and embroidery!
To my eye it needs more embellishing which I can do later.
Not sure yet where all this leading but is nice to be creating something!
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  1. I really love that trim around the edge. Just beautiful. I don't know where you come up with so many ideas and fabrics and trim. Amazing how you do that.

  2. Your journal pages are gorgeous with the many wonderful colors and layers of different fabrics and fibers, love all your pages.

  3. Thanks Judy and Anni for lovely comments.
    Judy - the materials come from my stash(which might be within inches of where I am working) and the ideas come out of my head somewhere! That lovely gold/purple braid comes from India and was given to me by a friend when she visited there. Some of my favourite things to collect are these beautiful sari border fabrics and braids.
    x Suzy

  4. Gosh I wish I could hold this in my hands and see all those lovely textures.Wonder what you are going to add to those pages?!Hmmm....

  5. Lovely comment - thanks Judy! Thinking of just beads words buttons etc. not much room for much else. Hope you are practising drawing faces!!!
    x Suzy

  6. Im a fan of you work i just love put so much into it....and that candle on your blog makes me feel all relaxed.

  7. Thanks Jennie for your kindness! Yes that candle represents so many positive things - it is beautiful!

  8. BEEEAUTIFUL page!! Love all of the color WOuld love to see it in person but am thrilled to see a picture!!!!

  9. BEautiful PAge!! Love all fot eh color and texture!! I would love to see and touch inperson , but a picture is way better than none at all!!!


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy