

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Family Matters (To some people)

1920 was the year of my grandparent"s Wedding and 90 years later my dad is still going quite strong although plagued with that nasty lung disease, Asbestosis. We had a most precious time with him when we recently visited Adelaide where he lives (which is a 1.1/2 hour plane ride away from where we live in New South Wales, Australia, sharing stories and lots of laughs over many cups of tea.

It was also great to meet Judy (and Nev), a blogging friend of mine over coffee one afternoon where we chattered our heads off over one hundred and one things all related to our creative fibre work. So many ideas and plans were discussed for future sharing of our work.
Now back at home I'm working on the last 2 pages of my Fabric Art Journal which I will be posting in the next day or so.
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  1. Your Dad looks like a sweet man. Glad you had such a good visit. Welcome back, we missed you. xox Corrine

  2. There is no one left of my original family. I am the last one. Enjoy those around you who have contributed so much to your heritage, and by all means document their stories. You will be glad you did.

  3. Hi,
    Oh my at 90, ... you are so very fortunate to have a parent still with you. My children have just one grandparent left, I tell them to treasure her just as we do! Beautiful photographs and I am so glad you had a great trip !!!
    Very best wishes,

  4. Glad you are back home Suzy. It was good that you had some lovely days with your Dad.
    Looking forward to your Journal Completion!
    Talk soon. I have been out...making, out..out, out..!!Hehe!! X

  5. Lovely photos of your Mom & Dad and more recently your Dad. Cherished memories.

  6. Thankyou to all my dear blogging friends for such nice comments on my return home. It was such a special time shared with my Dad and family - there are few things we do that are as important as sharing time with our parents when they reach these long-lived years.
    Hugs, Suzy xx

  7. So glad you had a good trip, look forward to the new pages.

  8. I love catching up with family, and arn't those old photos fantastic. Ive got a few here of my great-grandparents and their children Absolutely amazing.


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy