

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Farewell Ma "Cherie"

our constant companion
is constant no more!
Cherie has come to the end of the road,
our running dog will run no more.

The run was long at 17plus years
she has left us with cherished
and beautiful memories
full of spirit
in the
Farewell Cherie
We will miss you sweet girl!

A very big "Thank you" to everyone who left such lovely comments
on my last post when I have not been able
to reply to you!
You are all so very dear to me!
x Suzy


  1. I am so sorry for your loss, Suzi, of a loving and faithful companion. I always picture my loved friends playing in the sunshine, chasing balls or threads, as they wait for me to join them again. Big hug.

  2. Suzy, I am so sorry..what a sweet, precious girl...even at 17 years.. it's a life cut way too short.

  3. Oh Suzy, I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose such a beloved member of your family. I have to think that your Cherie is playing right now with my Odin and Gypsy and that they're having a marvelous time. Hugs to you.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this, Suzi. I know you have wonderful memories and will miss her. Pets and owners have a special bond that lasts forever.

    Love and hugs,

  5. So sorry to hear of your loss after 17 years.


  6. My dearest Suzy, I'm so very sorry for your loss of sweet Cherie. This is so sad and I've tears in my eyes. It must have been so hard for you to make that decision. Cherie had a wonderful life with you and knew that she was loved very much. She'll always be in your heart.
    Sending you a very big hug and love, sweet friend,

  7. Oh Dear Suzy, how hard it is to lose a beloved pet.It's a tough time for you.
    Thinking of you dear pal.

  8. This breaks my heart to read Suzy! The loss of a loved companion is so difficult. I'm sending hugs your way.

  9. Dear Suzy,
    I'm so sorry for your loss and it must be so hard for you. Sending big hugs and love,

  10. So sorry to hear of your loss Suzi, it's always a sad time, they are one of the family.

  11. Suzi, so sorry for Cherie. 17 years.. it count in a life. take care

  12. In case I should miss someone's comment please know that I am just so appreciative that you have taken the time to leave me a kind thought - it means the world to me as you all mean so much to me!
    With love and blessings,

  13. Dear Suzy sorry to hear about your loss,I know you have a sad time right now, I love dogs and I still miss my last two dogs who died seven years ago, 17 years with your Cherie, you must have many wonderful memories to think back on.
    Sending you big hugs.

  14. My dearest Suzy,
    I know that this was both a very hard and also "easy "desition for you to make.As you love her so much ,you knew that now was the time,to let her go with dignity, that was the "easy" part, and the loss, and missing the most hard one,-she will stay with you,in your heart, sweetie.
    Sweetest friend , I kiss you and hug you, -you know you are in my thoughts, alwayes.
    Love you dear, Suzy.

  15. So sorry to hear about Cherie, our pets have a huge place in our hearts.
    Love and hugs
    Sharon x

  16. Thinking of you Suzy, hold those memories close.

  17. i am so sorry for your loss ... (((( HUGS!!!))))
    RIP sweet Cherie ...

  18. So sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved furbaby! 17+ years is a very long time for her to give such unconditional and precious love! Sending hugs and blessings xxx Tammy

  19. Hi Suzy,
    Sooo sorry to hear about Cherie and your loss of a great pal.
    Healing hugs to you darling,

  20. So sorry for your loss...

    ...maybe it's time to start working on a "Cherie" fabric book.... may help...

    x Chris

  21. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's so hard to loose a pet that was for sol ong your companion.


  22. So sorry Suzi. That was a great age for a poodle, you must have loved her very much for her to stay such a long time. x Julie

  23. I'm sorry you lost your good friend. It's so hard.

  24. So sorry about Cherie! Our pets are such wonderful companions and so dear to us.

  25. I am so sorry to hear that! She did have a long life! And blessed to be your beloved pet....
    I lost my dog last year and it is still hard to find him 'missing' in the back yard....
    Love is with you!


  26. Suzi, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is so hard, but the memories are never lost.
    Hugs, Jackie

  27. Oh the love they bring to our hearts and the pleasure they bring to our souls. She will always be only a memory away.

  28. Sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely dog. It is hard to lose a friend- Pets are so much a part of our families.
    My sincere condolences to you and yours.

  29. Suzi, you and Cherie are in my thoughts and my heart this evening! May the sweet memories you two shared bring you comfort!
    Tina xo

  30. Maybe heaven was not complete without a faithful companion. You never know.

  31. So sorry to read of our loss. It is hard for me to read actually as I am about to lose a furry friend, he is not well and a hard decision has been reached. We must be happy for the time we had with them and all the joy they brought to our lives

  32. My heart goes out to you as we too have a sick pet! I am sincerely so sorry. All dogs go to Heaven, Blessings...Tiffany

  33. Oh Suzi, So sorry to hear about your sweet Cherie. I know how much you were cherishing each day with her and how she will be missed. My heart oges out to you. xox Corrine

  34. So sorry Suzi's so hard to lose a best friend ....xx

  35. Suzy, sending you my prayers and love during this time. I know she will be missed, but her memories will last in you. Allow them to make you smile and cry if you need too. I love you...

  36. ahhh dearest suzy~ what a heart gripper...though i know you were seeing the day come, the absence i'm sure is so real. i am so sorry for you and jeff, and know cherie will be deeply missed, yet with volumes of lovely memories. i can only imagine what a wonderful 'dog's life' she had, with all the deepest love any couple could give, on the most beautiful land, with the healthiest of foods. what a great, full life you gave her. may your hearts be comforted to know she is at rest from all suffering, and lived a life of complete happiness and secure love, thanks to you!!
    blessings of peace,

  37. Oh my gosh, Suzy, I am so sorry to hear about your precious Cherie is such a loss, indeed...Pets are such a huge part of our lives and people who don't have them really have no clue...They are constant companions who never judge or complain...just unconditional love. Sending love and hugs your way,

  38. A big hug and heart of comfort to you, Suzi

  39. Hi! you have inspired me to finally make one of these journals!i have been wanting to do it for a long time!How do you bind it?

  40. What a wonderful life Cherie had being part of your family. I feel your loss but know she has left you with beautiful memories that you will honor. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you hugs. Sharon

  41. So sorry to read about the loss of such a faithful friend xx Hilda

  42. I am very sorry for your loss Suzy. Dogs are such a companion and give so much friendship. I am sure she has had a wonderful life at your side!

  43. How sad, I bet she had such a lovely life you you and your family. You will be richer for having had her in your life.

  44. Dear Suzy
    Oh I'm so sorry to read of your darling Cherie's passing.
    Here's an excerpt from a poem:

    "To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
    But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.

    I'm writing this from the Bridge, where I dwell with God above.
    There's no more tears of sadness here, just eternal love.

    Please do not be unhappy, just because I'm out of sight.
    Remember that I am with you, every morning, noon and night.

    That day I had to leave you, when my life on earth was through,
    God picked me up and hugged me, and He said, "I welcome you."

    "It's good to have you back again,
    you were missed while you were gone.
    As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on."

    I hope this is a little comfort!
    Shane x

  45. Hi Suzy,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog to leave words of comfort just having to say good-bye to my Bailey and Bobo. It is a sad time and my heart goes out to you loosing Cherie too. The love we received from our fur kids is the best and forever cherished. Not knowing we were going to have to put down Bobo this week, we previously committed to watching our in-laws dog. Cody is with us right now and he really does bring something special and comforting. It makes me realize that we still have room in our hearts to love more animals. I can't imagine life without creating and now can't imagine life without a dog or two.
    Sending loving hugs to you and again, thank you so much for stopping by my blog.


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy