

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Giveaway for Gratitude

It really is never easy to say
your last "Goodbye" to a loving parent, especially the only remaining one!
The funeral and all the associated emotional events around it
did leave us quite empty.

However, I can't tell you just how many blessings, how much comfort and peace
I received from the most heart warming comments I received from
blogging friends and even bloggers unknown
during this time of grief.

So as a way of expressing my deep gratitude and appreciation to you all
and to help restore some of my creative motivation
I have created

This Giveaway
ending on Friday, 23rd September.

for you all to enter as a Bouquet of Love!

It also provides a chance for my new followers to possibly share in my creations.

There are no rules except one entry per person
please feel free to
place it on your sidebar to share with others.

I have two chances for you to win:
The first person drawn will win the above collaged and embellished
Rose Clutch
(This was very popular in a previous giveaway!)
made from a recycled lace tray cloth, a cut lace linen doiley,
scrim and satin ribbon roses with vintage buttons,
a buckle and a bundle of lace fabrics.

The second person whose name I draw
will receive this embellished lace and linen doiley needlebook

with some white silk tassel fringing,
Venetian and cotton laces and


So here is the total amount being given away:

The draw will take place on
Friday, 23rd September.

I wish everyone including all my new followers
the very best of luck and look forward
to your continued love and support of my artwork
thank you all so very much for leaving such wonderful comments.

Enjoy this protea from our garden "Blushing Bride".

Wishing you love, peace and blessings,
Suzy xxx


  1. I am so sorry to read about the passing of your remaining parent. I know how awful that is, having lost my mother 5 yrs ago this month (the 16th) Never knew my dad, but still *miss* a parent.

    Please enter me in this awesome giveaway. LOVE anything with lace etc. and your creations are stunningly beautiful.

    Hugs from Marian (a follower already :) )

  2. Dear Suzi I am pleased to see that you are home again and back in a creative space.

    I love the protea and those exquisite items you are offering to give away.

    Suzi, I am sure this time of loss will have its sad times but I do hope the happy memories will bring you comfort.


  3. I'm sending a big hug.....................

    I know just how you feel, after losing my Dad a couple of years ago. He wasn't just my Father, but a friend with whom I could discuss anything. I miss him dreadfully ....still.

    I'd love one of your beautiful creations...or some lace (one can NEVER have enough lace!)

    Hope you can adapt to the space fairly soon...

    ...but know that he's still with you...really.

  4. Dear Suzi, I'm one of your new followers and am so sorry for your loss. I understand how sad it feels to loose a parent, and hope with the passing of time and the therapy of your creativity you will learn to treasure the wonderful memories you shared. You need to take care of you now. I would love to have a chance to win something from your generous giveaway, so please put my name in. Lots of hugs, Robyn.

  5. Oh Suzy, anything created by your loving hands is absolutely gorgeous, and it would be a thrill to be included in your giveaway drawing. It's great to see you creating again. Have a wonderful weekend.


  6. How very generous of you to give away so pretty things.
    Hope you feel better as the time goes.
    Best wishes, Ati.

  7. Sweetheart, what a beauty-what a richness-and what a totally fantastic and gorgeous giveaway.
    The winners will be spoiled with your generous, and beautiful gifts, dear Suzy.
    I don`t have to tell you, that I`m totally in love with both art creations-I`m sure you know that, sweetie-
    And the Protea-(I have never seen that flower)is sooo lovely- I wish we could grow such beautyes in Denmark.
    Love you, dear friend-

  8. Suzy, I remember there was a huge emptiness after my father's passing, but I found solace in creating, and felt his love and presence around me. May you find the same peace.
    As always, your work is gorgeous, and a reflection of your loving spirit. Blessings and hugs

  9. sorry to hear about your loss,please continue to make those memories into something creative....
    please enter me in this wonderful giveaway,I just discovered your blog from Pat Winters.....lots of hugs and blessings,Kathleen Klein.

  10. What a lovely, generous gesture in honor of your father. I would love to be considered.

  11. I'm so sorry your dad is gone. His long rich life left you with abundant memories, some of which will surface years from now. My mother died in 1986 and I still occasionally get a spark of something I haven't thought about in years.
    Thank you for celebrating his life with this lovely giveaway. Hope I'm one of the lucky ones...

  12. So pleased to see you back to blogging Suzy! Do take care - hugs, Lorraine

  13. One day at a time. Your Dad will be with you always and his spirit will fill you up with love. You are always thinking of others and your generosity here is no exception. We all welcome you back, we missed you. xox Corrine

  14. I am glad to see you blogging again and I do share your sorrow. I would be crazy not to want to enter your giveaway although it does make me feel piggish as I don't need a thing, I just love laces and pretty things, so yes, I would love to enter. I will put this on my sidebar after my post. I hope all of my friends visit and enter.This has inspired me to post a giveaway too. I must gather some goodies this weekend. Love the offerings and the Protea is so beautiful.
    Hugs and blessings,

  15. What a lovely thing to do! You and your art are treasures and I would love to own a piece of it. May all your memories be beautiful.

  16. the loss of a parent is hard. thinking of you.
    everything you post is always so beautiful. would love to be included in your giveaway.

  17. Hi Suzy,
    So glad you are back, I've missed you and have been wondering how you are.
    I love the quote ''my soul is fed by needle and thread'' and feel sure yours will be too.
    Your work is so beautiful!
    Hugs, Angela.x.

  18. I feel your heartache, sending you a giant hug. I have followed your blog for quite some time now and am always in awe of your beautiful creations. Thanks for your generosity.

  19. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this hard time Suzi. I lost my mom in '83 and my dad in '87 and that loss has impacted me to this day.
    We make it through these painful times by remembering the wonderful days we shared with them, the laughter, the tears and the quiet times.
    I pray that angels will nestle your heart and comfort will be your companion.
    I would love to have a chance to win something you have made with your hands. Everything you do is beautiful! Take care dear Suzi!
    Tina xo

  20. Suzi, happy to have you back again. Keep the memories in your heart and it will help you get through the sad times.

    Please enter me in your giveaway. As always your creations are beautiful.

    Hugs Jackie

  21. So sorry to hear about the home going of your love one. Rest and be sure he is dancing with the angels and watching over you and your family.

  22. So sorry for your loss. I hope you can use your amazing creative talent as therapy and work your treasured memories into your unique art. {{{Hugs}}}

  23. My condolences Suzi. I have just found your blog today and feel saddened to read about how you feel at the moment. 'Time is a great healer'. I thing the image of the proteus is stunning. You are very lucky to have it in your garden. My best wishes.

  24. I have been following your work for some time now and find it so inspiring! I love to visit your blog and see what new things you have created.
    So sorry for your loss~~!! It is hard to lose those that we love so dearly. Here to hoping that you find joy in your memories of that person!
    Wonderful giveaway!!
    hugs, Sue K

  25. We all are so sorry for your loss. You will have days that you will that loved one right by your side. Those days are a treasure. They happen when you least expect them and somehow need them the most. Your giveaway is lovely!

  26. Dearest Suzi.

    So sorry for your sadness, but you are a shining light of grace and loveliness, sharing your talents with others even in the midst of your pain.
    Love and Hugs for you.
    Thank you for hosting this beautiful and generous giveaway!


  27. It is so hard to lose your parents. I keep remembering the good people they were.

  28. What an awesme give away. I know what you mean about losing the last parent, my mother died last year, at almsot 98 butI still talk to her, keep her up to date with family doings, as I did for so many years.

  29. You are in my heart Suzy...blessings upon you my sweets...

  30. Suzy. sei bem o vazio como é, também tenho ele em mim! O tempo é o melhor amigo! Receba meu abraço fraterno!
    Seus presentes são encantadores, delicados e de grande beleza!!! Vou gostar muito se ganhar!!!
    Deus te abençoe e dê força e paz!

  31. Of all the heros in our life, none is as strong as our father. We know that only death can separate him from our reach. His influence has been our greatest strength. I am sure this is true for you also. Thank you for your consideration with such generous gifts.

  32. You are so precious! Suzi
    And you are a gracious sweetheart to want to give such a lovely gift from your heart.
    May you be feeling the love that is flowing towards you in your time of grief in the loss of your father.
    hugs, and love,
    Teresa in California

  33. Dear Suzy,
    how generous of you to share with us as we share in your grief, but also your healing...
    I always say my sewing is therapy....with every stitch a thought, a memory, a feeling.
    May every stitch strengthen you ...

    PS: You have to check my blog.....I dared to make my first cloth book, inspired by you....(and oh no, nothing like yours!Yours are devine!)

  34. Hi sweetie, That's a generous and gorgeous giveaway and the two winners will be very happy to enjoy your fantastic creations. I'm glad that you're back creating and do what you love so much.
    That protea is a beautiful flower. I don't think I have seen it before.
    Have a cozy evening, my dear Suzy!
    Hugs, love and warm wishes,

  35. Hi Suzy, have been thinking about you and wondering how you were going. Losing a parent is very hard but the saying that time heals is really true. I have lost my parents, my father some time ago and my mother within the last 20 months and can now think of them without pain in my heart and with gratitude for having loving parents such as they were. This will happen in time. What a lovely gesture of a giveaway of such beautiful items, I would love to be considered. Thank you.

  36. So sorry to hear about your loss Suzy - sending lots of thoughts and hugs your way.
    Your giveaway is amazing and SO beautiful. Love it all. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Cross my fingers... :o)
    Wishing you a wonderful day sweet friend
    xo Tina

  37. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, it must be so very hard to bear.
    Your giveaway is really so generous and so gracious, I hope it helps to keep your creativity going at this difficult time. My thoughts are with you xx

  38. Yes, losing a loved one is very hard, I too have lost loved ones recently including a father and a brother. I found that immersing myself in my art helped tremendously and I am glad to hear you are ready to create again. I have longed to see your beautiful threadworks and I am very excited about this giveaway! Whoo-hooo...I hope I win!

  39. Oh my gosh, this is such a GORGEOUS giveaway--I am speechless!!! You are the sweetest person, my friend~XO Cindy

  40. Time will help and all the many wonderful memories that you have will give you much strength.

    Very generous giveaway.

  41. I have lost so many people in the past couple of dear brother through no fault of his own......Suzy i do hope that you will be able to feel your father around you....when i light a candle it somehow thoughts are with you at this sad time and hope your creativity will help you through xx

  42. Querida Suzi, estamos muy lejos, al otro lado del mundo. Con todo, la tristeza y la pena es igual en todas parte. Siento mucho que hayas perdido a un ser tan querido, espero que tus labores y estos mensajes te ayuden a superarlo cuanto antes, por lo menos un poquito.
    Ahora, quiero felicitarte por tus trabajos, he llegado por casualidad a tu blog, estoy maravillada de ver cosas tan bonita, hechas con telas, cintas, mucha imaginación y más arte. Por favor, apuntame al sorteo, espero tener un poco de suerte.
    Hasta pronto.

  43. Dear Suzy ! To be back home in your artistic space with all of your wondrous work surrounding you will help to help you find peace with your Dad's passing. It will do great things for you to create.
    We all love you and I so wish that we lived closer as Would love to visit and talk and create with you. you do so inspire me!!
    Gentle hugs full of Grace and Caring dear girl!!

  44. My sincere condolences on your loss.
    Cathy L

  45. Suzy, this is such a beautiful, generous giveaway. I am praying that to be among your creative space will help with the healing process...big, gentle hug to you my friend...xoxoox
    I'd be happy just winning those incredible Proteas...Wow...

  46. Hi dear Suzy,
    what a gorgeous and generous giveaway!
    The winners will be so delighted.Hope all is well and I'm glad your back creating again.
    Sending hugs and love,

  47. Hi Suzy,
    How sweet and generous of you to offer such a gorgeous pieces!
    Ah, You've chosen my baby's 18th birthday to draw the winners~and Yes, I'm feeling older. lol
    Take it easy,
    Creative hugs,

  48. Sending prayers and a hug your way..
    Such a Beautiful and generous giveaway, anyone would be blessed to receive such a gift..
    Wishing you peace in your creative space..

  49. I've come via Marie's blog.
    First, please let me offer my condolences.I know how hard it Dad died 6yrs ago mother had been gone 6 years before he died. It truly is the hardest thing to say goodbye to your last parent. There are days when I still feel alone(even though I have a husband of 36+ years,2 grown children and 3 grandchildren..all who live in our little home!!! Your father looked like such a handsome ,happy and smart man. I'm sure you have many wonderful memories which will keep him "alive" in your heart..for as long as we keep them in our heart,they are never really gone!
    Your blog is filled with beautiful art. I would love to win one of your beautiful pieces.
    Such a lovely and generous giveaway.

  50. Dear Suzy,
    So sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure you will have lots of good memories to ease the pain.
    Your work is as beautiful as you are.. Your give away is amazing.. Thank you for a chance to win....

  51. Hi Suzy,

    I too am so sorry for the loss of your father. I am sure you have many wonderful memories that will see you through this hard time.

    Thank you for giving us all some pretties to dream if winning - They are all so lovely as is all of your work.

    Nicki Lee

  52. I am a new follower, thanks to Pat Winters posting a beautiful link.

    The loss of a parent is ever so painful, but always remember that you can reach inside your heart and they will always be there, close your eyes and hugs will come your way. Treasure the times shared, for those memories are always close to your heart.

    Giveaways are always inspiring to those who receive them, I make spirit dolls and give them away to make the person receiving feel special and inspirational.

    Have a good day new found friend,
    hugs from New Mexico

  53. Oh Suzy I dont know what shall I say but I can feel what you feel in this moment. I send you much love and hugs for this time.
    Your giveaway is a dream! I love every little think from it.
    Hugs Alexandra

  54. Suzy what an amazing giveaway have had such a tough time recently ....sending love and healing thoughts ......xx

  55. It's so hard to realize that you are suddenly an orphan. I always had my dad and it's amazing how much I miss his wise counsel and how often I come home wishing I could tell him about something I'd seen. I feel good though that we were able to have him live with us the last 11 years of his life. My sympathy to you and your family.

  56. Many blessings to you Suzy and your Family.Our Creative Muses can sometimes help us to find our Way again. Thank you for Hosting such a Generous Giveaway and I am sure your Muses will Visit again Very Soon. Your Work is absolutely Lovely.

  57. Yes dear Suzi it is so hard to lose that last parent. I know I felt vulnerable and alone for awhile. You always think they will always be there. But you know they will always be with you, in your heart. And when you create. Take care friend. Love and hugs from afar, Sharon

  58. I'm so sorry for your loss Suzy and know what it's like to lose your Dad. I am thinking of you at this very sad time.

    Thanks for the chance of winning one of your beautiful giveaways. Fingers crossed!


  59. I'm so sorry for you loss Suzi...

    I'm a new follower ... I adore your work!

  60. I am very sorry for your loss! Sometimes the trials of life are hard.

    Please enter my name in your giveaway. You do beautiful work.

  61. Dear Suzi I'm pleased to see that you are back in a creative space. The giveaways are a beatifull way to honour your father. Hope you find a way to get peace with this loss.
    Send your a big hug.
    OxOxo Yvonne

  62. I am sorry for your loss
    Stay with God!

    tks for the chance to win this lovely giveaway

    Leila (new follower already)


  63. I just found your blog and am really excited to go back and read more. So sorry to hear about your loss. I am a new follower and will post this on my sidebar. Thanks for the opportunity!


  64. Here at a time when your grieving your thinking of others! You are such a special lady. and what a wonderful way to honor your dad!
    I'll gladly post on my sidebar.
    Be well my friend.
    hugs Lynn

  65. i'm so sorry to hear about your loss and i send you my prayers and hugs. i have experienced loss and it is truly difficult and so, how amazing and generous that you have thought of having a giveaway of such lovely items. your parents have brought up a wonderful person!

  66. Hugs to you from all the way here in the Philippines. How wonderful to share joy in the midst of pain- you are an amazing woman!

  67. Dear Suzy,
    Writes with great joy on Your Competition! , Maybe? I will had the luck to get something for free? , Although not belonging to the lucky, but maybe, who knows, you know that the destruction of you often, I wish you still many forces, and please take care of yourself, I wish a lot of cool ideas of health and arts, I greet,:)))

  68. Hi, Suzy. Just wanted to offer my sincere condolences for your loss. I don't care to win anything, but your offer of gifts is so generous and thoughtful.
    best, nadia

  69. Hi Suzy,
    I'll be featuring you in the next couple of weeks on my new blog!!! So, stay tuned and be surprised!
    Big hugs to you,

  70. It's always difficult to lose a parent, no matter how old we, ourselves, are. My condolences.
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I recently found your blog when searching "fabric journal pages" and have been enchanted ever since.

  71. dear suzy
    thank you so much for alerting me to yr GA!
    two exquisites gifts which any one of yoyr blogging friends would be so delighted to win and have displayed in our homes.
    v gentle hugs!!

  72. what a lovely tribute for a hero ... your work is your heart, and this time it is made with a loving memory. if i am lucky enough to win one of these beautiful pieces, i would remember and treasure it as from him thru you ...

  73. I am sorry to hear you lost a parent, it gives a weird feeling being the oldest generation, so my husband says, I still have my dad but him being 85 yrs old and often a "grumpy old man" I am determined to keep helping him because suddenly he is not there anymore.
    I have followed you for quite some time now, found you at Pat Winthers, and I have found much comfort in seing the beautiful things you make as I have had nothing but time during my chemo theraphy after two operations to get rid of breast cancer. So thank you for sharing your beautiful work.
    Dorte Kreiberg, Denmark

  74. Oh how I would love to win one of your give-away prizes! Gorgeous!
    Marcy Antle

  75. For some reason Blogger doesn't want to let me post on your site, I don't know why. Last week it just would not let me, and today I have had to really work it to get it done.
    I am so glad I was finally able to leave a comment on your previous post about your father. I really am sorry to hear this. I know these past couple of weeks must have been hard.
    (we shall see if this one goes through)

  76. I'm so truly sad and sorry for the loss of your father and send you strength and peace of heart and mind to get you thru it. I am happy to see you are finding a bit of creativity to help you thru this tough time as well! what a beautiful giveaway!! I hope you will find that your memories and your art will help you thru this difficult time! hugs to you dear!!

  77. the protea is just beautiful!
    it's a lovely compliment to your equally beautiful handiwork~

  78. Oh wow, Suz, what lovely things for a giveaway! I am always amazed and inspired by the materials and fibers you use! (fingers crossed!)

  79. I just found you and I am in love with your work. I love the journals especially. I appreciate have the opportunity to participate in your lovely giveaway.

  80. Oh, Suzy, I only just got back from France last night, I am so sorry to hear of your heartbreaking loss. All I can do is send you a big hug. You are amazing, having this very emotional giveaway. I am sure that whoever wins, will always see that beautiful photo of your dad whenever they look at their giveaway win. xxx

  81. What a lovely giveaway............someone is going to be very lucky indeed!!

  82. Oh Suzy, you are too kind to think of a wonderful giveaway as you are grieving. My heart goes out to you. I lost my Dad 6 years ago and still miss him so much today. And then I lost my Mom a year ago. I still go to phone and start to call her...
    Your creations are absolutely beautiful and generous. I would be honored to win one of them. Thank you for having such a giving heart.
    Blessings and comfort to you,

  83. Dearest Suzy what a gorgeous giveaway these are two very wonderful gifts, I'm sure we all want to win I know that I would love something you have made, so please count me in.
    Hugs Anni

  84. I am new to blogging and just found your blog. So pretty. I am also very sorry for your loss.Its never easy loosing a loved one. I hope you heal quickly.

  85. Dear Suzi,

    May I express my sincere condolences in the passing of your Father. I know it is not an easy thing to go through losing our parents. I lost my father when I was 18. My mother lives with me and my husband and she is 91. I can not imagine my world without her. With my faith in God I know that this is a temporary world and the one to come is eternal. You will be reunited with your father again someday.

    Please enter my name in your drawing for these lovey items. I would be ever so honored to win something made so lovingly by you.
    The drawing date September 23rd. was my fathers birthday.

    Thank you and may God Bless you and give you comfort my friend.


  86. Sad to hear of your father's passing. Two years ago today my best friend's father passed away. I pray that she and you can take comfort and find joy in your memories.

    Your work is beautiful. I would love to win this giveaway. I am a new visitor and plan to come back often. Thank you for sharing your work.

  87. Merci d'être passer me voir. J'aime vraiment beaucoup votre travail. Moi je débute et je ne connais pas bien les points et les matières. Bon courage pour cette absence. Bisous

  88. I'm so very sorry for your loss... I lost my mom 18 years ago and my dad is now 89... I can imagine what it will be like to lose him... Your work is amazing... so beautiful... I found your blog through Marie at Lost Bird Studio and I'm so glad I did! I will definitely be back! And of course I would love to have any of your works... they are simply stunning!

  89. losing a parent is such a closing of a chapter. I hope you have many wonderful memories to sustain you. Hugs

  90. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. It is so hard to lose a parent. I hope time grants you peace. Treasure your memories.
    I also wanted to tell you how much I love your artwork. It is stunning. I will be following your blog.


  91. Suzi, I just found out about your fathers passing, and even though I do not stop by as often as I would like, I send all my prayers to you and your family, and hope you have an easy transition. I wish you peace.
    Your creations are so gorgeous as always, really really beautiful.

  92. Good to have you back and hope time will help ease your pain on losing your Father.

    Your protea plant is just gorgeous.



  93. Hello, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I just found your beautiful blog through Pat, your work is beautiful. I am now a follower. Thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway, everything is beautiful. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Terri

  94. Dear Suzi.
    I was so happy to read your comment on my latest post that I had to return at your blog immediately !
    And know I find out that your father recently died......
    Please allow me a virtual hug to comfort you !
    I hope you can find some peace with the fact that he lived a long and rich life. I know I did when my mom died 4 months ago. But my thoughts are with you, the grieve is so intens......

    Suzi, I find it always difficult to express my feelings in english but I hope so that you understand what I mean. He will always live in your heart !

    With deepest sympathies, Rian from Holland ♥

    About your givaway...Look at ALL your lovely comments !!! And I agree, It looks phenomenal :-)

  95. Hello Suzy,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. I have been through it, and understand. I came over from Tales from the Mouse house...your blog and talent is so beautiful.
    May God Bless Your Day Big!


  96. Dear Suzi, I found you through my dear friend Dorthe. I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your father! I lost mine 19 years ago, and I still miss him. I loved the beautiful and loving tribute you wrote and the photos you shared of your dear dad! I am also sorry about the loss of your sweet poodle! I have a poodle that I adore and have lost three poodles before here, one living to 18. It is so hard to loose family! I will keep you in my prayers sweetie.

    Your creations are stunningly gorgeous and your garden is amazingly beautiful! You are very talented and creative! I look forward to visiting you and would love to be entered in your beautiful and generous giveaway!

    Love and blessings, Paula

  97. My heartfelt sympathies go out to You and Your Family. Your Dad was a very handsome gentleman! I am so happy I found your blog, your creativeness is wonderful! Robin

  98. Welcome back, dear Suzy. Now the healing starts. You are beyond generous, sharing your gorgeous art with your followers. I hope you'll find the time to be in touch. And so you know, I'm doing a beading class next month, and it's all your fault!!!! I've been drooling over your gorgeous work, and I had to have a go! :-))

  99. Suzy,
    Oh dear, I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Father 3 years ago & a day dosent' go by that I don't miss him & want to hear his voice. My memories are happy & usually thinking of him makes me smile. Oh but to have more time with him.Your friends are here for you, me included. Always willing to lend an ear if you need.

  100. so it looks like i am the 100th commenter!! how amazing these gifts are....your heart is such a bountiful bouquet of love, and your hands are the stems that open the fragrance. you are such a love!!!
    xo abigail

  101. I hope I can join the giva away. I'm from Belgium and maybe it's a problem. It's a very special give away.
    LOL Liliane

  102. I would be absolutely delighted to win either of these items in your giveaway! Thanks for the chance. Also, I was just reading your post of your dad's passing. I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad passed in Nov. of '08 and I still miss him but have lots of happy memories to make me smile. I was lucky to have such a great dad.
    Take care, Connie

  103. Thank you for this big kindness which characterizes you dear Suzy, I hope that your sorrow is less big today, it is necessary " to let make the time ".
    Your new project is wonderful, how all!


  104. I found your lovely blog when I was visiting "Feathers and Flight" this evening--I'm so very sorry you lost your father. My dad passed away 7 years ago--and I still can't believe it happened. I can tell you that the sadness never quite goes away, but the pain does lessen as time goes by. Please know that your father is always nearby, loving you and watching over you . . .

  105. Sending loving thoughts to you and your family. How blessed are your followers that you can be so gererous in such a trying time.
    Bless you, Dianne T

  106. Dearest Suzy
    You have been in my issues have left me absent from viewing your divine creations !! what a delightful visual journey you provide for me and so many other fortunate followers!!, I hope your soul and senses are finding some calmness on returning to your beautiful world of fabric art. Lots of love Ros xx

  107. Virtual hugs for your loss. O O<< Those are hugs :)
    and Wow what a beautiful giveaway.
    Regards Phillipa

  108. ...thank you for adding me to your drawing for the gorgeous and most generous giveaway! I just found your blog and LOVE your pieces......

  109. Suzi, the loss of our parents does indeed leave a large hole in our lives. I felt almost like an orphan for a while, after losing my remaining parent. But it does get better and I'm sure you have many wonderful and happy memories which will be a comfort in the coming weeks. God Bless!
    Thank you for such a generous giveaway. Your work is exquisite! Count me in!

  110. Oh my goodness..I am feeling your loss..and amidst it all you are hosting a giveaway....that is precious, dear one!

    your thread works of art are always so inspiring! so intricately beautiful to look at! I would be honoured to win something to call my own and display here in my studio to inspire me each day.

    Thanks so much for the chance to play.
    Please do enter me!

    Ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  111. Heavens, is there room for one more?! What a generous giveaway for a lovely reason. Yes please it all looks delish!

  112. So, so sorry to hear of your loss :( I hope that family, friends and memories comfort you in these and coming days *Hugs*

  113. My Dad would have been 103yrs old this year and he would have loved to see your garden, so would I!
    Funny how when I do certain things, look at my hands or create, I often think of him and wonder how much is his influence........
    Time heals but memories never leave us, sorry for your loss Suzi.
    I'm happy to be able to look at your work but, owning some of your precious gifts...that's icing on the cake!


    Sandie xx

  114. Hi
    Sorry to here your lose. Life is so short as we get older the more that is so true.I lost your blog and just found you today .I will now follow so will have you .Love to visit you and see your work. Would love to have your work Laura

  115. My heart goes out to you in your loss. Your blog is gorgeous--such beautiful creations; and what a delightful giveaway. Judy

  116. Dear Suzy,
    I am new to your blog and I became a follower. I am so very sorry that your last parent passed on. I don't know what it feels like to lose a parent but my only daughter went to heaven Oct. 23, 2009 at 1012 pm. I am still dealing with periods of deep grief. She was 33 years old and had battled and received a miracle when she was attacked by cancer at 10 1/2 years old and 4 years of chemo and then she was attacked by cancer again at 32 years old.
    I LOVED LOOKING AT YOUR GARDEN PICTURES at the bottom of the page...spring is stunning and even winter has its' own beauty.
    Your give aways are awesome and come from a giving heart.
    Sooo very nice to meet you
    Simply Debbie

  117. Gosh, this is gorgeous and a generous giveaway.
    I'm sorry for the loss of your Dad.
    Love your work and style and appreciate the opportunity to be the lucky one. Celeste

  118. Found you from Pat Winter's blog..and I'm so glad to have checked you out! Super blog!

  119. Hi Suzy,
    I am so sorry to learn of your dad's passing. I am sending healing thoughts your way.
    As for your giveaway, it is generous and gorgeous and I would be thrilled to win!

  120. Hi Susie - well I think I am here in time to enter~~ what a magnificent collection of gifts that you are sharing with your friends. Your handwork is amazing - it is special beyond words - you are truly gifted as an artist. Any of those gifts would make a heart soar~~

    You are so gracious to do this as a part of gratitude for those who bestowed best wishes and love upon you in your recent loss. But - then that's just the kind of person that you are.

    I am so sorry that I did not make it here in time to post your contest on my blog-- I feel lousy about that-- next time give me a heads up sooner so that I can help out. I'm so slow to make my blogging rounds sometimes - I miss out on a lot :(


  121. acabei de conhecer sua casa. adorei. Deus te abençoe.

    sou a seguidora Cléo
    Cleonice Moretti
    Bagé - RS - BRASIL
    Divulgando na barra lateral do Blog:

    Aparece lá e me segue também, bjocas

    Se puder visita também o

  122. Hi Susie
    I found your blog by accident but what a truly lovely blog you have - and then I am verty ad that you have also lost your father- My condolences to you
    I came by to enter your beautiful giveaway, thought thats seems awful in this time of your life. I really do feel for you. Though I will continue to follow your blog dfrom now on!
    love n hugs bear xoxoxoxox

  123. You have beautiful items shown on your blog. I have become a follower. Thanks

  124. again everything i see that you creat is awsome hopefully you'll pick me as the winner so i can get started on being one to you are my inspirtion julie fields


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy