

Monday, July 30, 2012

My Completed Heart Strings

The last two weeks have been a busy time
visiting many studios and creative spaces across the world
as part of "Where Bloggers Create" hosted by 
of My Desert Cottage Blog.

I have to say that I have been so inspired by the many and varied
studios out there that I would have never visited had I
not joined in the party.  So thank you Karen so much for
hosting this event for bloggers.

I would also like to say "welcome"to all of my new
followers who have joined along in the 
last little while and a very big "thank you" to everyone who has left such kind and inspiring comments.
I shall be rewarding you very shortly with a new

In the meantime I thought I might share a finished project
"Heart Strings" which I completed under the
tuition of Diane Cook at Artful Gathering Workshops.
So these were the strings I showed in my
previous post with the jewellery

all layed out before they were all pulled up through
the thimble.  It was a bit of a natural progression
of combining silk fabric with vintage
jewellery - being that I just so 
love working with

I'm still not sure about using those little jewellery tools though
as they feel so awkward to me still
but I'm sure that practice will
make perfect (hopefully!!!).

So here you can now see the completed Heart Strings
as they would appear if worn. It gives an idea
of how long they are on my dress form

and before here is the thimble without patina 

and after
(not the best job but hey this was my first attempt
into the world of creating with jewellery!).

Here you can see a brass connector, brass heart,
rosary beads, medals, pearls, locket and even
a feather from one of our
chickens on our property here!

My little nestie , a brass booklet,
brass chain,vintage beads, lace and
sari ribbon.

This is the necklace consisting of pearls, beads
(vintage and new) plus some sari ribbon.

The other project which is now coming to completion
is the Round Robin Lacebook collaborative
(Vintage Gypsy being my theme)
which I have been sharing with 6 women
so I will just give you a taste of
what I will be sharing
possibly next time I visit here.

This is a sneak peek of the cover


I know this is unfair but it would be too long to show you
all the pages in this post
so I guess you will have to stay tuned in!

Wishing for you all a smooth sailing week full of lots of
happy moments and hours of creativity!

Thank you all for visiting and leaving such kind comments!

Love Suzy xxx


  1. This post was most informative as to how you will wear this creation. I have not seen this before and can see this used with even more tailored shirts with traditional collars. I can see why you were interested in this process. Just absolutely wonderful.

  2. Your "heart strings" has turned out beautifully Suzy. I can see lots of ways you will be able to add these techniques to your fabric collage.

  3. Oh my goodness this is exquisite work and I am dumbfounded that this is your first venture with jewellery (and the tools!).
    The way you combined so seamlessly the sari ribbons and the wonderful additions of the brass book, pearls and the chicken feather, quite taken my breath away.
    Little did I know you were such a tease only sharing sneaky peeks of the cover of your book - I cannot wait.

  4. My dear Suzy,
    what can I say? This just takes my breath away. Simply GORGEOUS!
    Have a lovely day.
    Hugs and love,

  5. I think that from the work you are learning what you have made is fantastic.I love the combination of the fabrics and jewellery.Wonderful to wear to some very special event.

  6. Wonderful work! I would see it, not like a jewel, but in the décoration on curtains too, it would be very nice!
    Hugs and kisses

  7. Your heartstrings is a stunner at everyone's neck. So many delicate pieces together holding with thimble? This awesome idea deserves an award. Looking forward to your finished Lacebook. After watching your sneak, it seams there's something breathtaking coming.(:o)

  8. Dear Suzy, your heart string is very beautiful! Love the lace and silk with the beautiful old beads, so vintage and complete your style. Can imagine that you have to practice with all those tiny tools.
    Have a nice week

  9. Dear Suzy, your heart string is very beautiful! Love the lace and silk with the beautiful old beads, so vintage and complete your style. Can imagine that you have to practice with all those tiny tools.
    Have a nice week

  10. HS turned out so lovely, Suzy... and can't wait to see your cover - even the sneak peaks look fabulous. Love and hugs from Alaska. Karen

  11. Your heartstrings necklace turned out beautifully! So many intricate details and I love the nature theme you have with the feather and the nest. Also can't wait to see more of your lacebook!


  12. Hello my dear friend,
    You have created a stunning piece, from a beautiful colection of little jewels of all kind and lovely seambindings.
    Whom could imagine seing all those elements before you started -that they would end up in something so amazingly beautiful, held together in a thimble.
    You alwayes amazes me dearest Suzy,dosen`t matter what you create, -all is fabolous.
    I love your gorgeous Heart String,
    it is beauty of a very special kind.
    Love you, friend.

  13. Your necklace is wonderful. I would have to take that class put just run out of time. Going to try and do some vintage looking things now with some time. Love your blog will be back.

  14. Beautiful piece Suzy, you've mastered it well.

  15. Oh my - your Heart Strings necklace is fantastic! Of course we would expect nothing less from your creative fingers. And - the teaser of the book is already beautiful - can only imagine what the rest must be like!!

  16. Your heart strings are so beautiful, I can't believe you haven't made jewellery before. All my favourite elements. jayne x

  17. Wow! Gorgeous creation Suzy! How apt that all these treasures should be joined to a thimble.

  18. Hello Suzi, I am ***swooning*** over your gorgeous work! Leave it to YOU to find a jewelry project that incorporates all the fibers! Your necklace is totally lovely in every way. What a work of love!
    Keep using your tools, and they will feel better soon : )
    There are some companies out there with ergonomic jewelry tools too that you could consider...they feel better in the hand.
    Hugs, and happy creating!

  19. Oh my dearest Suzy, Your heart string jewelry piece turned out absolutely gorgeous! The pictures you had shown before were promising already and the completed necklace is just stunning! I love that mixture of silk strings,lace, metal, bling and nature finds. I'm sure you'll get more and more used to using the tools. It's so much fun to learn something new, isn't it?
    Sending xxoo and love,

  20. What a stunning necklace! So creative with the mix of textures. You are so talented!

  21. It is absolutely gorgeous!!!,


  22. Your Heartstrings are gorgeous with alk the different elements that make it
    Fabulous work!!

  23. I love your Heartstrings Suzy. You have done a wonderful job for your first foray into jewelery making - bravo!

  24. Oh my goodness... I'm so in love here. Yes, I am also grateful for Karen Valentine's blog hopping... so many wonderful, creative spaces. And, I have to say, I've been in love you, your blog, your work, your etsy, well... you are an amazing and inspiring artist!
    Thank you for continuing to inspire us all!
    Sweetest of Blessings, Chris

  25. Oh my , Suzi it is just beautiful !
    I love all your work, always beautiful ...

    cathy thompson

  26. Are you kidding? this looks petty expert to me. I was thinking of you last night as I was going thru my fabric samples trying to decide what to keep. I kept thinking would Suzy keep this? Yeah yeah she would. I finally had to call it a night at 2 am.
    opps sorry making it all about me!
    I just am crazy for your new necklace, just over the moon about it.
    Thanks for the peak at the round robin book. Gorgeous!


  27. Wow, I really love the way your heartstrings project turned out. Gorgeous! I love the combo of fiber and metal! That's what's so wonderful about classes like that....they take you places you might not have otherwise gone. Or at least that's how it works for me, lol. I'm a new fan of your blog and look forward to seeing more!


  28. Oh Suzy, I love those heartstrings! I will have to take that class next time it's offered, for sure.

  29. Mixing the textures is always exciting.Your heartstring is fabulous. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Hi Suzy.
    WELL......what can I say!
    I wasn't sure about this when you began, but now that I see it finished I really Love, Love, Love it!I love all the little items that make up this gorgeous necklace and can only imagine how much fun you had making it.
    Thanks so much for sharing.. Now what is this sneaky peek all about?!?!:)

  31. Suzy this is such a stunning piece! I adore it. I can see this could be incorporate into so many forms of fabric art (and canvas too?). Thank you for the well wishes on my brother. Prostate biopsy is scheduled for him August 20th and then we should know more. It has been a long summer of dr's and waiting on many health issues for him. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  32. I will add my praises to the above and say wow! LUV the heart strings necklace. Very lovely. You obviously have a practiced hand even if you've never made jewelry before.
    best, nadia


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy