

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A new Journal "Silent Prayer" to show you!

Hello dear friends,
I have been rather absent lately because I have
been working on a new journal which I was keen to finish
as we are coming into Spring here where I live 
in Australia
I am so often torn between creating and wanting to be out
in our beautiful garden and I was determined to complete it.
  The bird song at present is waking
us so early so there's no excuse to be laying around in bed.

This is my new creation:

I went searching through my Tombstone Angel images collection
which I played around with because of an idea
which was turning around in my head.

How often do we pray silently to ourselves in times of need?

and call on the angels for help?

Those little metallic leaves reminded me of angels wings
and were amongst a gift from my friend Liz
and they were just the right thing for the front page.

Many layers of vintage lace, (torn and tattered), chiffon, cottons 
doilies, buttons and jewellery have gone into the making of these pages.

Layer upon layer the pages build and above you can see
some natural dyed silk which has been embroidered
with my trusty sewing machine.

Solve is another technique I have used in
collaging these precious lace pieces together
with bits of thread, fibres and raw silks!

Some beaded chiffon on the left with a felted signature
laced and layered with a piece of vintage beaded
cardigan with the Virgin Mary sitting opposite!

A pleading hymn!

Handmade lace and machine stitching
highlight an angel - but 
"Angels are in All Ages!"

More tattered and dyed lace
and pieces of dyed raw mohair!

How comforting are these words?

A pocket near the back embellished with another special

And after many hours of layering and stitching,
tearing and ripping, ironing and sticking
we come to the end of
another very satisfying project!

Hours make the day
Layers make the journal!
Inspired by these angels!

This particular journal has been sold and is packed up
 and ready to be delivered
to the U.S.

If anyone is interested in me creating them a journal
of a similar nature or different topic
then contact me by email at

"Love is how we earn our wings"
and I'm sending some love to you!


Thank you so very kindly to all of my new followers
and for all the most appreciated comments left.
You are all gems in my life!
xxx Suzy


  1. Aloha Suzi,
    Stunning journal! Your journals are always so beautiful.
    Hugs to you.

  2. Gorgeous, luscious, texture, beauty, heart, soul, beautiful!

  3. Hello Suzy,
    A journal of pure delight. The way you have constructed the pages is exquisite, I'm sure the new owner will love it.
    Enjoy the spring in your garden as we slip into Autumn.
    Hugs ans smiles,

  4. Hello dear Suzy,
    I can see why the journal is sold already.It is divine and just touches my soul.TFS.
    Have a lovely day my friend.
    Sending hugs and love.

  5. Fabulous work as always, dear Suzy!!
    Love all your journals! Big hugs to you, Viola

  6. Wonderful creation Suzy! I thought about you on last sunday. I'm on hollidays, travelling to see all my friends. Last sunday I was near Bordeaux and with my friend we spent time in "vide-greniers", shopping for old things that particular sell! I found so many things, and many old laces for just somme euros! I was very glad!

  7. Oh dear Suzy

    Your beautiful Silent Prayer journal just takes my breath away...

    I'm spellbound by the depth of layering of laces and fabrics and the detail on each and every page.
    The angels will be very proud of you!!!

    An exquisite work of art for one very lucky person whom I'm sure will treasure it.

    love and hugs

  8. Mein Gott, wie wunderschön.
    Deine lieben Worte haben mich sehr berĂĽhrt.
    Deine Arbeiten sind so wundervoll und mit Liebe gemacht.
    Ich musste weinen.

    Ganz liebe GrĂĽĂźe und Umarmung
    von Sophie xx

  9. So very beautiful Suzy! How lucky the new owner is. So many different lovely things to find each time it's looked through. x

  10. So stunning and elegant! Love the laces colors and images! A treasure trove of beauty to be sure.

  11. What a truly special journal, the receiver will be delighted!

  12. Du og din symaskine frembringer de sødeste vintage-ting. knus morkaren.

  13. This piece is so beautiful and touches my heart. Nearer my God to thee, is how I wish to be each and every day.

    Your work is so wonderful. I don't even know how to go about starting a journal like this. I've looked online but haven't found any tutorials yet.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful works of art.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  14. I love all the special little touches and details you lavished on this journal.

  15. Dear Suzy, you captured serenity amongst the pages of this journal with those serene images and the artful beauty from your own creative heart.

  16. Your creativity is a mystery and your fabric journals always capture me.

  17. As always, beautiful textures and fabrics!

  18. This journal is beautiful, both in looks and in meaning. Love your journals, each one a work of art. Have a great day.


  19. Recently, I helped 2 members of my family who are in their 80's through a very stressful ordeal. They told me that I am their Angel. Seeing your wonderful journal made me think about that.

  20. Dearest heart, I can only sigh from joy, seing those amazingly stunning pages from your beautiful journal.
    Luscious, stunning pages filled with a lovely amount of laces,fabric and jewelry- so wonderfully built from layers of silks and beautiful cottons from dayes gone by- sweet Suzy, this is a very breathtaking art journal, -the one whom bought it, must be so exited now, waiting to feel and see with her hands all this fabolous beauty.
    Love and hugs,

  21. Susie, you have made another stunningly beautiful journal! Just looking at the pages gave me a sense of peace and rest. Thank you for sharing your creative muse with us. I absolutely look forward to coming here to be inspired and uplifted by your art.

  22. Suzy, this is absolutely 'out of this world' gorgeous. Layers and layers of beauty. No one does it so well my friend.
    Where would we be without our silent prayers throughout the day. I know my angels work overtime for me...helping me, encouraging me.
    Now I must go back over the photos in this post, because one time is not enough.
    much love...

  23. Suzy, love your latest creation. The message for the journal really touched my beautiful and inspiring! xoxo's Pam

  24. Your 'Silent Prayer' journal is a feast for the eyes...quite unique and wonderfully detailed as always.
    EXQUISITE, dear Suzy! I'm sure the new owner will love it.

    Have a great week!

  25. very satisfying project ? awww my..your stuff is so amazing you should be, you make such beautiful sew tohold some of your stuff in my hand some day ;O)))) BIG SMILE.. your a gorgeous crazy quilt women love love from me in small denmark


  26. Beautiful Suzy as is the sentiment, I love it, what a treasure! Hugs Marilou

  27. OMG! Love yours extraordinary journal!!!

  28. WOW !!!! A really stunning artwork Suzy.
    Hugs Alexandra

  29. Wow! What a beautiful work of art you have created here Suzy!
    Every page is a new delight and all your choices of fabrics and embellishments are just perfect. You certainly have an amazing talent with your collaged books!
    Thanks for sharing - it was such a pleasure to see it,


  30. my goodness!!! it will take me years to get thru all those lovely details and man ... i'll love to touch and smell it too. it's a stunning piece of artwork!!

  31. Oh Suzy, being a tactile person, I can almost feel those gorgeous laces, embellishing pieces...I can see this work has been created with lots of love.
    Hope you get loads of orders. These works are "your thing" aren't they?
    Judy x

  32. I am gutted that it was sold before we even saw the completed journal, GUTTED, I tell ya! Lol, it really is a thing of beauty, and one of these days I'll get me a SuzyQu original as well. Every time I see one of your journals, I am just blown away by the wealth of details, the fabulous embellishments, the masterful combination of textures and those wonderful layers upon layers. SIGH.

  33. This is so beautiful, so emotional, so moving Suzi.....a work of your inner soul put on the page. Absolutley gorgeous!

  34. Dear Suzy, WOW this journal is so wonderful, beautiful and so fantastic, I can't take my eyes away from the images, I wish I could touch it, I can feel you love for old lace and that kind of things, Wish you a lovely weekend dear friend.
    Hugs Anni

  35. Hi Suzy, what a stunningly beautiful journal, you can tell you put your heart and soul into creating these works of art. Layer upon layer of texture, colour, stitch, beads they are really heirlooms. jayne x

  36. Oh I LOVE this journal!!! All the texture is divine! I love the dyed laces. AMAZING WORK! Thanks for sharing with us. Enjoy your treasure! Charlene

  37. What beautiful work. Your blog is on my 'blogs I follow' sidebar and when I see new pics pop up I always come to see what you've done. Lovely, all.

    xo Anni

  38. Oh Suzi.....your work is absolutely magnificent!!! You truly have been gifted with God's grace with your creative ability.



  39. Your journal is blissful, serene and ethereal. All of your details and layers of lucious lace make it so exquisitely beautiful. With a wing and a prayer...Creative Bliss.

  40. These cloth journals are the prettiest artwork I've seen in all of blogland to Me and I've seen thousands.I have made cloth wall hangings but they are no where as elaborate and gorgeous as yours.I have been thinking of making prayer flags I've seen on blogs.Denise

  41. Oh the face inside the frame is so delicate. What a magnificent piece, you have outdone yourself with this book. xox

  42. Oh my gosh, Suzy, Angels made by a true angel!! I about flipped when I saw your creations!!!! I am wondering if you can send me your address as I have misplaced some of my addresses...(street address)
    I'm at

  43. OMG Suzi
    that journal is just sssoo goregeous. You are ever so amazing!!!

  44. Suzi, this book is a labor of love! Every bit of it is glorious! I adore your angel theme and your sentiments. The initial image in the frame is really perfect for your question "how often do we pray silently to ourselves in times of need?". Your book moved me!
    Thank you so much for sharing this dear work of art from your heart!

  45. A masterpiece, as always. You do add them up, don't you? Such talent!

  46. Dear Suzy, this journal is gorgeous, thank you for sharing. I love your amazing imagination, so exciting seeing what you come up with in your new creations. Always such fun visiting with you. Have a great day.
    Hugs from Germany

  47. Suzy--
    Is it possible to exceed your own expectations? This new journal is beautiful-- it's a true tribute to prayer. You have absolutely outdone yourself this time! Someone is going to be thrilled to have this!!


  48. Oh Suzy, this is scrumptious. I just love it. My, my, my your talent amazes me!!


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy