

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Savouring the Roses

 In Australia we are moving into Autumn
and we have come to the end
of our rose growing

 so this is the time I love to pick the end of the
roses and hang them for drying
in the kitchen.

I am often inspired by the Tea Cup Tuesday segment
but never seem to manage posting there
due to all of my other
creative pursuits!
(Sorry Terri! I will get there eventually!)
So I'm posting a little taste of teacups in my kitchen
at present along with some of my
favourite dried roses!

It takes a little experimenting

to see which varieties of roses handle
the drying 

and which ones just fall apart.

 I must say I am quite partial to the pinks
and these ones (for some reason)

dry the best but, of course, there are no rules
about this

 as these colours look quite beautiful also.

Thought you might like to see some of the china
and depression glassware

sitting in the corner of my kitchen at present

 as a reminder that all of the beautiful pastel shades 
of Summer  have not totally left us yet.


I was gifted this beautiful book from a dear friend, Marion,
a couple of years ago

It contains some inspiring words of wisdom

and this page is just one you might like to read.

 We can certainly to with more of these positive
thoughts and words in our lives today -

Thanks for sharing some natural beauty here with me!
and for the kindness you show when you
visit and follow me too!

Love, Suzy xox


  1. Hello Suzy!I can almost smell those roses!Such pretty photos you have taken.Enjoying this gorgeous weather?
    We are off this week to see the scarecrow exhibits as part of the Barossa Vintage festival.
    Love Judy

  2. Dear sweet Suzy, what a beautiful post!!! I just love seeing glimpses of your wonderful home. The dried roses are gorgeous to me!!! It's always so strange to me that here you are entering fall as we are entering spring, but I guess we are on opposite sides of the earth!! But isn't it wonderful how easily we can visit one another?? I hope you are doing so very good, hugs and love, Dawn

  3. I also love to dry roses and love that the pinks dry to such a delicious shabby shade. perfect with china and old lace.
    Enjoy your lovely garden before it sleeps. We are just seeing the first Cherry blossom and Forsythia after a very long winter.
    Hugs and smiles,

  4. Hi Suzi!
    A wonderful post , very moving, and a little bit "nostalgic"!
    You take the last roses from your garden to dry them, when we're waiting for the first one after a so long, cold and rainy winter!
    Do you let your roses drying themselves or do you make them dry with a secret to keep them so beautifull! I tried many ways too, but they allways become brown after some times!
    Hug and kisses

  5. Hello Suzy, such a sweet and gorgeous post, thank you dear. I think many of us love to dry roses too. I do :)

    hugs and sweet day,

  6. WOW - thay are soo beautiful. I love flowers and can´t wait here in the spring to see what is comming up in my garden, but roses will not live so very vell in my garden. Thank you for sharing it with us - hugs from me on a little island in Denmark;) Bettina

  7. I so love waking up to your beautiful inspiration! Thanks so much for the beautiful dried roses. I feel like they are sitting on my own table. XO Sue

  8. Your rose garden in full bloom must be something to behold. I always love seeing your photos of your roses-even the end of season drying ones.

  9. Your roses are perfection and I loved seeing all your pretty dishes! The poem was a lovely treat to start the day with, thank you!

  10. Your roses are beautiful and pair so well with your tea cups. I can just imagine the sunlight streaming through your kitchen, alighting on the depression glass and sending little bits of fractured colour throughout the room. Splendid.

  11. I think roses look just as good when they are drying/dried as they do when they are in full bloom. Lovely photos. Most of my garden looks a mess at the moment and my host of golden daffodils amount to 3!

  12. Stunning roses! so beautiful and romantic.

  13. Hello Suzi, your natural beauty post is truly lovely. I love drying roses. You are so right, you never know how they will come out. I think the best ones I ever did were by accident. They got left in a vase in an out of the way place. Finding them many weeks later, they were perfectly dried! Never had any dry that well since. Lol!
    Yours looks totally gorgeous. What lovely blooms! The pretty tea cups looks perfect with them. I see all kinds of tea pots, tea cups, china and glass ware, all beautiful in your post.
    Thank you for sharing beauty and uplifting thoughts with us today!
    Thank you for mentioning me.

  14. Very pretty indeed, almost nicer dried than when growing!


  15. Oh my sweetest dear Suzy,
    such beauty from your garden- and so wonderfully dried-- how stunning is the dark lilac but also the soft rosa tones, and lovely filled roses are stunning!
    You have arranged them so elegant in that bowl- with your beautiful china, and glassware! Delicate and fragile they are -I love them.
    Thankyou for the Robert Fulghum saying,so wice and so true!
    My dear sweetie, I send you my warmest thoughts and hugs, and send you love.
    Your Dorthe

  16. I thank you for reminding us your seasons are not ours. It simply puts things into perspective.

    Beautiful images and I wish you a happy Fall. xo Rhonda

  17. I love the color pink when it fades to tan. So pretty! I keep wanting to post on Terri's Tea Tuesday too! Hoping to real soon. We all have a soft spot for vintage teacups.

  18. Oh Suzy! How I love to come here and dream! Your dried roses are so gorgeous in all their shabbiness! I adore roses, but they always get so buggy in my garden, so if you have any secrets to that please let me know. The book page is just perfect words to live by. The glass is so very beautiful, just dreamy! Thank you for another inspiring post sweet friend!

  19. I just love wrapping myself in the soft beauty and comfort of all that your blog offers. Beautiful roses, tea cups, depression glass.... wonderful words of inspiration and joy. It's always a pleasure to stop by. Sweet Blessings Dear Suzi.

  20. Dear Suzy,
    beautiful picture of the last roses of summer. They have a very special morbide charme even when thy are blooming. Cardinal Richelieu is one of these roses in a very warm mauve, do youz know her?

    Have a nice day, warmly Babsi

  21. Dear Suzy
    Oh how I love a rosy post and this one is beautiful.
    Those faded blooms look delicious in your buttery yellow bowl.
    I'm wondering if you know their names as at this moment I'm writing my list of roses to order to plant in June before I go to France.
    I adore those colours - they would be perfect for me!

    I love all your pretty china and glass bits - it's those details that make our homes a reflection of who we are.
    Much love and hugs
    Shane ♥

  22. Hi Suzy I am always so happy after I visit your beautiful posts.
    Love your roses very much-they turned out really nice

  23. Hi Suzy, your dried roses are gorgeous. I also love to dry them and the pinks are so pretty when complete. I love your tea cups too and the depression glass is lovely.
    Wishing you a wonderful Autumn season. We are warming up and springtime is in full swing here now. Soon it will be very hot and so we are enjoying the nice weather now.
    Have a nice weekend and thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  24. Seeing your depression glass reminds me of my grandmother's table. I remember all the good things that she served in them. I love the look of dried roses. I have them everywhere. Thanks for the memories.

  25. I do love a dried rose.
    Love, love the post today.

  26. Thank you so very much for sharing the beauty of your dried roses, vintage dishes and lace. With all the sadness and tragedy America has had this past week your post is such a welcome respite. The soft pink roses are exquisite! Blessings...

  27. Wunderschön...
    Ich habe auch schon einige Rosen getrocknet.
    Sie verlieren erst nach einigen Jahren ihre Farbenpracht und Schönheit.
    Man muss den genauen Zeitpunkt abpassen, dann sind sie fantastisch anzusehen.

    Umarmung und liebe Grüße xx

  28. Suzy
    Your roses and depression glass are all stunning! I love the vignettes you have in your home. Beautiful! I hope you can enjoy the roses dried through the winter months that will be coming to your side of the big pond!



  29. I love your dried roses - I've never done them that way and they are so incredibly beautiful. I grow minis and am definitely going to try this with them.... you really do teh most awesome things!

  30. I can almost smell those roses from here (well, I could....if I wasn't all sneezy with spring allergies). They are absolutely luscious!!

  31. Sweet Suzy - Your images are stunning. The roses are magnificent- in their various stages of fresh and dried -- and your vintage dishes compliment them so beautifully. This is one of your

    Vickimost beautiful posts~


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy