

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Who could be the Winner? Could it be YOU?

Being part of the wonderful 
"Where Bloggers Create party"
certainly has been an amazing experience
visiting so many inspirational women
to see where they create their magic.
It really has been fascinating to see how many different paths
to creativity there are!!!

Thank you to all of you wonderful bloggers too who
are now following this blog!!! I'm so glad to have your
much appreciated company!

Now I have some very important news to tell you 
and that is the winners of
 my Giveaway!!!

Due to the large volume of entrants I decided to use
that most impersonal but effective Random Org
and the winner is Number 16
Linda from Desires of the Heart Blog
(Please check out her blog via "Where Bloggers Create" button above)

 who will receive this vintage lace collage
created by myself

along with these vintage linen serviettes
and cut lace doilies plus this vintage postcard
which really has been through a genuine house fire

from the list of the very many bloggers who displayed
 the Giveaway on their blog 
Thank you all so very very much!
The Winner is: Betsy of Betsy's Heart Strings

whom I happen to know just loves collecting vintage linen and lace.

Sincere congratulations to you both!

Now girls please contact me as soon as possible 
with all your postal details
so  that I can arrange postage to you - thanks!

I so wish I had these gifts for every single blogger
who left the kindest comment!!!

I'm linking this post also to
Well you know that such joy is always balanced
with a little sadness for that is the way of the world
just today we witnessed the passing of our
beloved Bessie, our boss girl pet Angora Goat (1 of 8).
She was the oldest and the wisest of the little flock!

Thank you dear Bessie for bringing so much love,
companionship, joy and beautiful mohair
(which I use to create with!)

into our lives!

We sure will miss you girl!

Do you ever ask yourselves "How would my world now
be without my blog and blogging? I can't tell you 
how much it has changed my life over the last 3 years
or so and I am full of gratitude for that
 so this little Giveaway was just an expression of that.
for the amazing friendships formed, for the inspiration and joy
realized here!!!

Thank you all for enriching my life!
Sending you big hugs,

Friday, July 12, 2013

Where Bloggers Create Event 2013 and Giveaway

♥♥♥ "Where Bloggers Create" Event of 2013 ♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥ Giveaway ♥♥♥♥
for my new and existing Followers

To all who follow - This is my Giveaway

(see details for entering at the end of this post!).

I'd like to welcome you all to my studio for the
"Where Bloggers Create" party hosted by
our wonderful Karen Valentine
of My Desert Cottage blog.

This is only my second year of participating and I do hope
you enjoy visiting and viewing some of my creations.

For those of you who are new, my name is Suzy Quaife,
living on the far south coast of Australia on a small
farmlet where we aim to live a simple eco lifestyle
 although I'm probably classified as a Mixed Media/Fibre Artist
my most favourite mediums to create with are in fabrics (mainly
vintage and exotic with laces and doilies) fibres 
(inc. raw silk, mohair, soysilk, felt, yarns)
as well as paper. 

Fabric Journals, collages, cards, purses etc. are just a few
of the projects I create. As an introduction to my world I'd thought
I'd share some images of my creations so that you
might gain some insight into why I collect and
create with what I use.

A stack of my fabric journals!

giving you the idea of how I use the materials I collect.

Some fabric journal and lacebook



a very recent fabric journal "Catching Innocence"
(one which I will share the pages very soon)

a couple of examples of a typical collage
incorporating a large selection of vintage fabrics,
doilies, lace and jewelery.

As you travel through my studio you will also see
some wonderful creativity from other bloggers
from all parts of the world - this world of blogging is
such an amazing community of friendship, support
and inspiration!
such as these soldered pendants which I so
treasure from Marie (Lost Bird Studio)

 My studio represents my sanctuary, my place
of peace, tranquility
of familiarity, security and inspiration where
I can feed my heart and soul as
I tune into the birdsong going on especially in the early hours
this is the reason whyI gather around me all the things
which inspire and replenish me
so that I may share the fruits of my art with others.

I also see my space as a place to store all the necessary materials
that I work with so there is lots!!! - both materials and storage!!!
Everywhere you look! Shelving, boxes,  jars, chests, baskets
and drawers.
(This is certainly not an occupation for a Minimalist!!!).

Having a background in crazy quilting which I really love
I have been a collector of all sorts of fabrics which goes back
a very long time!

Speaking of quilting thought I'd share a lace and doily
quilt created some time back - the idea of which
seems to have appealed to a number of readers!

 and there have been many other quilts created in this studio
along the way too!

Now back to viewing the studio:

The centre for computer action and blogging!

and above a few special vintage purses!

Some how I am surrounded by some other pieces I love to create -

♥♥  HEARTS  ♥♥

and here is another great passion of mine!

Roses! Even in Winter here in Australia I can still manage
to collect a few of these beautiful specimens!

In my quest for gathering vintage linen and fabrics
I now have a little collection of vintage and antique clothing
hanging from coat hangers around my room
of course my old dressform

is also becoming a place to store and display some rare pieces
as well as my "heart strings" of jewelery and silk ribbons
and vintage milinery items.

Tucked away in the corner is this old Welsh dresser
(still in its original form minus sliding leadlight doors)
which I use to store some of my linen and lace
tablecloths, special laces, keys, religious items,
feathers, books, buttons and other bits
and pieces.

I don't think I mentioned that I just love to collect
handstitched tapestries so I have a few of
these also - some of which have been gifted by bloggers such
as this one!

from dear Liz (Lululizinlalaland)
(Don't forget to checkout her incredible Craftavan
along your travels!).

Small collections of vintage buttons, feathers and pods

from our garden and feathered friends!

Shelves are filled with fabrics 

 Tapestry bags, tassels, jewelry hanging ready to use

 All number of laces and doilies in their appropriate boxes

little collections of bottles used in the past 

Creations and gifts

from friends near and far!
like this beautiful hand created doll by dearest Dorthe.

And over to the opposite side of this space
you can see even more shelving

This is where I create at my large table
having all of my bits and pieces
close at hand.

like these cabinet cards, letters and some ephemera

some lace motifs, dyed roses

a collection of sari ribbons,

different shades of crushed velvet

This altered cutlery box holds vintage jewelery bits,
chains, medals etc.
as well as a few special little treasures!

 More lace, small pads of muslin

and there are always those special pieces of antique lace

and collars which I could never cut into but they help

to inspire so they are always around!

(I'm linking this image of antique laces to
"Our Beautiful World" blog - a wonderful new blog
which centres on a new theme each week -go check it out
to see this week's theme - LACE).

These shelves also hold a small collection of hat boxes,
 suit cases,timber and vintage cane baskets
 and boxes.

The view from where I sit and sew watching birds build nests
 at my sewing machine

to create items such as these!
(It's Winter time here where I live so there is little flowering!).

Now before going on to the GIVEAWAY  details
don't forget to go back to Karen's blog at the beginning
of this post  and click on her button to see a list of all the other wonderful Blogger's studios listed there that you can

Thank you Karen for giving us the opportunity
to share to all visitors where we create!
and giving us the chance to enjoy so many gorgeous studios!
You are amazing!


As a "Big Thank you" to all of my followers
including any new followers visiting my studio tour here
I am presenting the opportunity to win this
collage created by me

and this collection of cut lace doilies and odd crochet
embellished napkins with an original vintage postcard

 for anyone following who wishes to place the
GIVEAWAY on their blog sidebar
to let others have a chance also

(Giveaway Button)

I am offering you a chance to win this vintage lace cuff
with pearls and beads
also created by me.  Just let me know that you have done so.
Leave your entry on this post and a way for me to contact you!!!


I will draw the two winners of this GIVEAWAY
Wednesday, 31st July, 2013

The best of luck to all who enter
and really hope you enjoyed your tour
enough to visit me here again!

Love and hugs and blessings to you all,
Suzy xxx