

Friday, July 12, 2013

Where Bloggers Create Event 2013 and Giveaway

♥♥♥ "Where Bloggers Create" Event of 2013 ♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥ Giveaway ♥♥♥♥
for my new and existing Followers

To all who follow - This is my Giveaway

(see details for entering at the end of this post!).

I'd like to welcome you all to my studio for the
"Where Bloggers Create" party hosted by
our wonderful Karen Valentine
of My Desert Cottage blog.

This is only my second year of participating and I do hope
you enjoy visiting and viewing some of my creations.

For those of you who are new, my name is Suzy Quaife,
living on the far south coast of Australia on a small
farmlet where we aim to live a simple eco lifestyle
 although I'm probably classified as a Mixed Media/Fibre Artist
my most favourite mediums to create with are in fabrics (mainly
vintage and exotic with laces and doilies) fibres 
(inc. raw silk, mohair, soysilk, felt, yarns)
as well as paper. 

Fabric Journals, collages, cards, purses etc. are just a few
of the projects I create. As an introduction to my world I'd thought
I'd share some images of my creations so that you
might gain some insight into why I collect and
create with what I use.

A stack of my fabric journals!

giving you the idea of how I use the materials I collect.

Some fabric journal and lacebook



a very recent fabric journal "Catching Innocence"
(one which I will share the pages very soon)

a couple of examples of a typical collage
incorporating a large selection of vintage fabrics,
doilies, lace and jewelery.

As you travel through my studio you will also see
some wonderful creativity from other bloggers
from all parts of the world - this world of blogging is
such an amazing community of friendship, support
and inspiration!
such as these soldered pendants which I so
treasure from Marie (Lost Bird Studio)

 My studio represents my sanctuary, my place
of peace, tranquility
of familiarity, security and inspiration where
I can feed my heart and soul as
I tune into the birdsong going on especially in the early hours
this is the reason whyI gather around me all the things
which inspire and replenish me
so that I may share the fruits of my art with others.

I also see my space as a place to store all the necessary materials
that I work with so there is lots!!! - both materials and storage!!!
Everywhere you look! Shelving, boxes,  jars, chests, baskets
and drawers.
(This is certainly not an occupation for a Minimalist!!!).

Having a background in crazy quilting which I really love
I have been a collector of all sorts of fabrics which goes back
a very long time!

Speaking of quilting thought I'd share a lace and doily
quilt created some time back - the idea of which
seems to have appealed to a number of readers!

 and there have been many other quilts created in this studio
along the way too!

Now back to viewing the studio:

The centre for computer action and blogging!

and above a few special vintage purses!

Some how I am surrounded by some other pieces I love to create -

♥♥  HEARTS  ♥♥

and here is another great passion of mine!

Roses! Even in Winter here in Australia I can still manage
to collect a few of these beautiful specimens!

In my quest for gathering vintage linen and fabrics
I now have a little collection of vintage and antique clothing
hanging from coat hangers around my room
of course my old dressform

is also becoming a place to store and display some rare pieces
as well as my "heart strings" of jewelery and silk ribbons
and vintage milinery items.

Tucked away in the corner is this old Welsh dresser
(still in its original form minus sliding leadlight doors)
which I use to store some of my linen and lace
tablecloths, special laces, keys, religious items,
feathers, books, buttons and other bits
and pieces.

I don't think I mentioned that I just love to collect
handstitched tapestries so I have a few of
these also - some of which have been gifted by bloggers such
as this one!

from dear Liz (Lululizinlalaland)
(Don't forget to checkout her incredible Craftavan
along your travels!).

Small collections of vintage buttons, feathers and pods

from our garden and feathered friends!

Shelves are filled with fabrics 

 Tapestry bags, tassels, jewelry hanging ready to use

 All number of laces and doilies in their appropriate boxes

little collections of bottles used in the past 

Creations and gifts

from friends near and far!
like this beautiful hand created doll by dearest Dorthe.

And over to the opposite side of this space
you can see even more shelving

This is where I create at my large table
having all of my bits and pieces
close at hand.

like these cabinet cards, letters and some ephemera

some lace motifs, dyed roses

a collection of sari ribbons,

different shades of crushed velvet

This altered cutlery box holds vintage jewelery bits,
chains, medals etc.
as well as a few special little treasures!

 More lace, small pads of muslin

and there are always those special pieces of antique lace

and collars which I could never cut into but they help

to inspire so they are always around!

(I'm linking this image of antique laces to
"Our Beautiful World" blog - a wonderful new blog
which centres on a new theme each week -go check it out
to see this week's theme - LACE).

These shelves also hold a small collection of hat boxes,
 suit cases,timber and vintage cane baskets
 and boxes.

The view from where I sit and sew watching birds build nests
 at my sewing machine

to create items such as these!
(It's Winter time here where I live so there is little flowering!).

Now before going on to the GIVEAWAY  details
don't forget to go back to Karen's blog at the beginning
of this post  and click on her button to see a list of all the other wonderful Blogger's studios listed there that you can

Thank you Karen for giving us the opportunity
to share to all visitors where we create!
and giving us the chance to enjoy so many gorgeous studios!
You are amazing!


As a "Big Thank you" to all of my followers
including any new followers visiting my studio tour here
I am presenting the opportunity to win this
collage created by me

and this collection of cut lace doilies and odd crochet
embellished napkins with an original vintage postcard

 for anyone following who wishes to place the
GIVEAWAY on their blog sidebar
to let others have a chance also

(Giveaway Button)

I am offering you a chance to win this vintage lace cuff
with pearls and beads
also created by me.  Just let me know that you have done so.
Leave your entry on this post and a way for me to contact you!!!


I will draw the two winners of this GIVEAWAY
Wednesday, 31st July, 2013

The best of luck to all who enter
and really hope you enjoyed your tour
enough to visit me here again!

Love and hugs and blessings to you all,
Suzy xxx


  1. Suzy, how absolutely gorgeous your studio is. Your colors are so rich and beautiful. As you surround yourself with such amazing fabrics and laces, I now see why your creations speak to our souls. Blessings, Rhonda

  2. Hi Suzy!
    What a beautiful post filled with lovely treasures to create with. Your studio is awesome and I must say "be still my heart" I could spend hours enjoying and will return, as anytime I need inspiration this is where I can land:)
    Hugs to you my friend! xoxo
    Marilou of Lulu's lovlies

  3. I am in awe of your beautiful studio and your gorgeous projects! and i would be thrilled to win your giveaway!

  4. i have just added your giveaway pic to my sidebar!

  5. Hi Suzi
    I love your studio, full of laces and treasures! A very dreaming room to create, to dream, and to share all wonderful creation you make!
    Hugs and kisses princess of laces!

  6. Lovely space Suzie!!! Al that yummy lace!!!! Just had me drooling here:):) Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Hello my dear Suzy, What a joy to visit your studio again. It's such a great place to create. I for sure drool over all those containers filled with yummy lace and the stacks of pretty fabrics. I also love your other collections of vintage treasures. The cubby chest is a wonderful piece of furniture to keep lots of supplies. I hope to find a similar piece one day.
    It's so lovely to see a lot of your gorgeous creations as well. Thank you for sharing all the beauty!
    Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend!
    Big hugs to you,

  8. ohmygoodness...sweet Suzy!!!! WHAT A DREAMLAND! I would be in Heaven in your gorgeous many supplies, treasures, laces and beautiful things ~ we truly are kindred spirits my friend. But you, you have such a talent with manipulating fabric into amazing works of art!!! Thank you so much for all of the photos, I will certainly have sweet dreams tonight! hugs and love, Dawn

  9. Suzy, you are always an inspiration, and now I've seen your studio I understand where you get your inspiration. Your work is breathtaking. Blessings Lesley

  10. Suzy
    Your space is so gorgeous! Every treasure, antique and precious memento so heartfelt! What an amazing space to create! I love it! Thank you for sharing it with all of us!

  11. What a gorgeous room! Thanks too for a chance to win a pretty from you! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

  12. Good morning Suzi Q!... my goodness, your studio is beyond beautiful!... I need to go back and look at everything again, I don't want to miss a thing... your journals are so exquisite!... I love your view out into the trees and that you find peace and serenity there, listening to the beautiful sounds of your feathered friends... I think I could just linger there all day... thank you for sharing your wonderful place... xoxo Julie Marie Oh yes, please do enter me in your generous giveaway...

  13. Posting your giveaway on my sidebar right now... xoxo Julie Marie

  14. What a wonderful visit into your world! You are always such an inspiration.
    Hugs and enJOY a happy weekend,

  15. What a beautiful space!! I love the vintage style. Thanks for sharing!!

  16. Suzy, what an amazing studio you beautiful and lovely the way you have displayed all you materials and supplies!! I just love your fabric collages and would LOVE a chance to win the drawing. I became a follower and am putting your button on my sideboard. Thank you so very much for sharing....I will look at the pictures over and over for inspiration!! Blessings, Linda

  17. To you, dear soul: Your place of creativity is pure heaven - and I'm sure you know that. I can almost feel the softness of the laces and fabrics just by looking at these pictures. Ever since I "met you" through our sweet Vicki Boster, I've been visiting you and admiring your beautiful creations. I know I don't always leave a comment, but trust me ... there are nothing but good words and comments coming out of my mind and heart. I would absolutely positively LOVE to be one of the winners of anything you create because it's THAT FABULOUS. I don't have a blog (yet) but I will be passing your wonders on to my sister ... perhaps she'll post on her blog. Keep creating wonderful art!

  18. Your studio filled me with awe and inspiration. i love your collections of lace and bits. i can only dream of such a wonderful place to create!You inspire!!

  19. Suzy I just love coming to your pages because they are always so beautiful and inspiring.
    Your studio is so peaceful and comforting. I would love to own something that you have made-please enter me in the drawing. thanks Kathy I will be back to see if I know how to put the button on my sidebar too

  20. I just knew I had to visit you today, dearest Suzy! I knew I would have the chance to have a glimpse into your studio and be breathless by all the treasures you are showing us here! Thanks so much, sweet friend, for sharing this inspirative and motivating post! I was not yet ready to show my workroom, but I feel the urge now, to tidy up and make it a place as calm and peaceful as yours seems to be! And how happy and honored I am that you find my giveaway to you worthy displaying in your studio! Thank you so much! And please, please, don't forget to let me hop into your giveaway drawing pot! I would love to have the chance to win one of your treasures!!!! Now I just have to find out how to put your button on my sidebar... Hugs, Manu

  21. Thank you Suzi for inviting us into your studio again. I visit so many times during the year, if feels like my studio away from home. (lol!!) You always inspire! I love the view you have, looking out into nature. It makes such a nice juxtaposition from all the laces and fabrics... all so organic and luscious.

    I'll be back MANY TIMES again this year. I'm very interested in your quilt of doilies and laces! Thought I'd seen everything in your blog history. When/where is this posted? I'd love to see more of it.

    Enjoy the blog hop and know what a sweet inspiration you are to all of us.

    Sweet blessings, and many xoxo

  22. I have been an admirer of your work for so long!!
    It would be an honor and a privilege to win such Treasures!!

    I have added your giveaway button to my right sidebar.
    Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!

    Happy Crafting

  23. I love everything you do and I want to share the pleasure of seeing your work with the visitors to my blog in France. Thank you for this contest.Claudine

  24. Мне очень нравится твое творчество, какая красота, твой очаровательный винтажный стиль! я с удовольствием приму участие в розыгрыше. баннер справа в моем блоге. Алла.

  25. Ok Suzy!! I am officially in love! Wow!! What a beautiful just is filled with everything that I love!! You are the most incredibly talented woman I know!! Ok...I'm on my way back..I just wanted to stop to it's time to finish looking!!! Love you my Suzy Q...

  26. Copied your giveaway button too Suzy Q!

  27. Dear Suzy what a fantastic and very beautiful studio you have, so many lovely things to create with and some wonderful lace you are showing, love all your very beautiful creations, wish you a lovely weekend.
    Hugs Anni

  28. Oh Suzy ! Your studio is wonderful !! Thank you to share this beautiful place full of treasures. I imagine you sewing and creating... I love it.
    You still are " Coup de coeur de la semaine" ! This week is going to last a month, maybe the whole summer, you deserve it. I'm going to make the link with your button in a message on my blog. I'll tell you when its done.

  29. Hello Suzy!! Wow, how do you do it? I mean, where would I start...first I would dive head first into the vats of gorgeous laces and lovelies and run my hands through the piles of textures, oooohing and aaahhhing over their beauty! Your photos are dreamy and that room is soooo inspiring!! Oh and that over the top drop dead gorgeous quilt covered with doilies and goodies. This room must be what the portals of heaven looks like!!! The collage piles of books you've created and the lovely lacy goodness just makes me want to jump into my own stash and get busy creating pretties!
    Thank you so much for such an inspirational tour. I will be back many times I'm sure when I need a boost!

  30. Beautiful-- thank you for sharing your lovely, very organized studio and all the dreamy and romantic images. I can tell that your work is indeed a labor of love.

  31. Hi Suzy, I do hope that you're doing well and having a lovely day today! Oh my goodness your Studio is a rich, beautiful and wonderful reflection of you and your exquisite work! I feel the warmth that your studio has and it's so comforting and filled with love...all of which is from your heart. Thank you so much dear Suzy for sharing this part of your life with us!
    If you would be so kind to enter my name in your fabulous and OOAK Giveaway I would be very appreciative! I would be honored to own one of your incredible pieces and to be able to show it off and display it in my home. Thank you for this opportunity! I hope that you have a wonderful day!
    Hugs and many blessings...
    Bobbi Ann Cook

  32. Oh Suzy I have just read your post and looked at each and every image and soaked it all in. I really do not know where to begin, your studio looks such an inspirational place to create your wonderful work. It is so organised and must be lovely to have all your treasures to hand when you create. I love all of your work, and each and every piece is unique. The lace - well, I am in lace heaven, I absolutely love looking at other people's collections of lace and yours is extra special. you have inspired me to sort my storage room out, I do not have a studio but keep all of my lace, fabrics, etc in our little box room. I need to get everything out and paint the room then organise. you have given me some great storage ideas. You have a fantastic view out into your garden. Thanks for sharing your studio, I really enjoyed it. Jaynex

  33. Dear Suzy ~ Your studio is so pretty and I just love all of your goodies in it. How wonderful to have such a collection like that. My mind would be racing like crazy with ideas.

    I love the heart you created for me after my dear husband passed away. It is very special. Thank you again.

    Your studio and your creations inspire me.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  34. Wow! What a gorgeous studio and so organized! Mine looks like a tornado came through it, especially when I'm working on a quilt. Would love to win some of your artwork! Thanks for the great blog. It's a great source of inspiration. I enjoy it every time I stop by. Denise (

  35. Hi Suzy, I have been following you for some time and I absolutely love coming here and browsing through your matter how many times I go through your blog I always notice something different in the posts that I have already read and looked at in wonder...You are such a great inspiration to all of us who have a love for cloth, lace, roses and all things creative...when I am in a creative slump I love coming here to get inspired...thank you once again for sharing not only your work, but your wonderful creative space with us...please add my name to your giveaway...what a treasure to have.

  36. Hi Suzy, I made a post about your giveaway on my blog...have a great day...I also included a pic of your offering...

  37. Woman you always give the best party because you have the most stunning studio of any I ever seen and so many exquisite images to share. If I didn't love you so I might be jealous. lol

  38. Beautiful Suzy-- there really are no words to describe this lovely place where you create-- but I will try--
    First of all I have to just say that this is YOU. Exactly the kind of place that I would choose for you. The laces and ribbons-- all your beautiful embellishments-- they Re displayed so beautifully.

    Everything you need to create is there for your delight. Your collections are amazing and truly your laces are the most beautiful I've ever seen.

    I could happily live in this little room-- the window is an absolute treasure- you must enjoy the views so very much.

    I'm in awe-- it's so so beautiful-- I'd love to spend some time in this amazing place. You are blessed--- thank you so much for sharing these photos and for the beautiful tour--


  39. Oh my dearest sweet friend,- this studio of yours have become even more beautiful, than last year!! I can see you have gotten more white elements inside, very lovely, with the mix-I love that!!
    And then your fabolous creations all over, you are such a giving artist ,putting your heart into every piece you create my dear. You know I`m the biggest fan of you!!
    Your collections of old dresses and laces are amazing and everywhere I see things I can only fell in love with- your doily quilt is a most stunning creation, as is your wonderful books ,too sweetie!
    I`m so happy, to be in this room with you, sitting there watching you work and feeling the happines coming from every corner in your beautiful and lovely room!!
    Thankyou for inviting us inside again, my sweet heart friend! I would wish I could once ,just for a coupple of hours sit there with you!!
    Love and hugs from Dorthe.
    Suzy thanks for your mail, you will hear from me dear - if only with a little note first!!
    Your gorgeous giveaway is so beautiful, and ofcourse I would love to winn, your work of art form your heart! The button is on my blog my dear Suzy!!
    Love you, and sends you many kys!!
    Your Dorthe

  40. Hallo, dear Suzy!
    I'm founding you blog shot time ago, but i like it very much.
    I like laces, i like how they look like, and i'm collekting them like crazy, i cannot spot :)
    I have allways many interesting ideas.
    Thank you for this giveaway. I know i'll not become that gift, becouse i cannot on english discribe everything that i'd like to tell. But thank you for apportunity.
    Love, Nadezda from Germany

  41. Wow your work. Is simply amazing. Thank you for the chance

  42. Hi Suzy, Your creative space is just amazing. I love every detail displaying your wonderful treasures that you use. No wonder you create such gorgeous items.
    You have the most special collections and your artwork is just stunning.
    What a beautiful view from your sewing machine. I love your organization too. You are truly an inspiration.
    What a beautiful giveaway you are having. I will add your button to my sidebar.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. So nice to see you. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Celestina Marie

  43. You and Karen V do such amazing things with beads, lace and thread..Just gorgeous..I am envious of your talents..

  44. Hi Suzy:

    It took a couple of tries but I was able to put your blog giveaway photo and link in my sidebar. I know you will have some new followers. Of course, I want to win one or both of your prizes. I especially LOVE the cuff you created for this giveaway. Your work is always excellent and inspiring.

    So please put me down for both giveaways and maybe I'll get lucky.

    I am also doing the WHERE BLOGGERS CREATE party this year. However, my post is a more simple group of photos and words. I almost forgot that I needed to create a post for today. I got it done this morning. I knew that if people were checking blogs in alphabetical order, I would come later in the list. Since I'm one of your followers on BlogLovin, I got to your studio tour fast.

    Great work as always.

  45. You have an amazing space to create in. Everything is so organized and pretty and the things you create are so very lovely. I have posted your giveaway on my sidebar and have signed up as a new follower. I love your blog!


  46. Suzy, I have been here for a while and truly was happy to see you join the tour. Each time i visit i hold all of your albums in my hands. Some days, my nose is 2" away from my computer screen checking out the details. I have included your button on my side bar as well as within my post. All the best with the tour.
    Ava Gavloski

  47. I LOVE your blog! Let me clarify I LOVE your work. I cannot wait to completely go through your blog and see all of your creations! If you would ever like to contact me my email is . If you would like to visit my blog and see my art work I am The Quilting Lion.

  48. Beautiful Studio & tour Suzy! I'd heard about your lace and dollie quilt. so glad to get to see it! Really would like to try something similar1 please register me in your drawing for your giveaway! I would be so delighted to win! if I WERE SO LUCKY TO WIN!comments go to my g-mail, so I would message back.

  49. Just popping by for the event. I can sure see why Ava wants to secret herself away in your gorgeous space. Wow the things you make, I am awed and inspired. So much vintage fabric goodness. Your books are to die for. Thanks for sharing, I just sat here with my eyes feasting on every detail. Keep smiling and creating. Huge Hello from Canada.

  50. Hi Suzy
    Your studio is amazing and full of such wonderful laces, fabrics, etc.
    I enjoy every visit I make to you and will continue to do so.


  51. Hi Suzy, your studio, and your work have always amazed me. I literally feel light headed when I look at it. Corny, I know, but it's true. Thank you for sharing this amazing space, and your gorgeous work.

  52. Suzy, you have so many beautiful things in your creative space. What lovely laces... thank you for sharing! :-)

  53. very inspirational, so enjoyed the tour!


  54. Suzy,
    Love your work have such amazing laces and fabrics and doilies, and purses and suitcases and ribbons...and I guess you know what all you have! Your work is truly gorgeous, and I would be honored to win anything you make! I LOVE Dorthe's doll, she is such a beauty...Plaes add me to the list for the giveaway. I am adding your button to my blog!
    Thanks so much for sharing with us!
    Hearts to you,

  55. Button is up on my blog, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. So in awe of your studio, love all that lace and sari silk, I love using it in my work. All the lovely details, so much to soak in. I'm surprised you can bear to part with your lovely creations.

  56. what a beautiful studio.. love your use of lace... and the view from your sewing machine is divine... love all your that cloth doll too (I used to make cloth dolls in a previous addiction lol)

  57. Wow, just wow. Your work is just stunning. I am new to fabric art/collage and I see so much inspiration from your blog. Your studio is just beautiful. So glad I found you :-)

  58. I always love seeing the beautiful vignettes you create in your surroundings.

  59. Oh Suzy, I'm looking at doilies, lace and trims in a whole new light- I love how you've used them in layers not only in your artwork but in your storage and displays! Feminine, but not too froo-froo, and all with a touch of history!

    I'm so glad to have visited and will be back for more!

    Michaele (Twigs and Tulle)

  60. Ok I am in. . .I am so inspired! I love your blog, as always.

    I am I didn't realeyes blog

  61. Wow your studio is amazing. Love your work. Thanks for a chance to win one of your treasures.

  62. Susy, long ago I'm your follower and admirer! Even I follow on Youtube, is you actually do some things too beautiful, and these laces and beautiful fabrics. And the things you do leave me feeling a useless bunny, lol.
    I do not understand the Google+ and I want out, but do not know how.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and I can leave comments on the blog, where it says comments (which obviously, lol)
    Kisses, I'm running to your blog, I've seen all rounder, but turn and go back, I've bewitched.

  63. Ohhh, for the draw, I leave my mail. Women of the world would be if I won one of your wonders.
    Euge - Chile


    P. D. wonderful your studio ...

  64. Oh my oh my oh my. Dear Suzy, how much eyecandy can there be in one blog post?? I'm running out of time, bed time here, so I have to come back to be able to take it all in... Sweetie, you're such a generous soul, to be giving away so much beauty... Please count me in! :) Your collage is stunningly gorgeous, as always... And I can't wait to see what that new fabric book is all about!
    And I will most definitely put your giveaway badge in my sidebar.
    Sending you big hugs and some extra warmth for your winter days. xx Wendy

  65. Oh my goodness - how I wish I could come and just sit in the middle of your creative space and just LOOK at all the treasures you have surrounding you. It's no wonder such beautiful creations come from you!! I promise I would wash my hands too....

  66. I have long admired your work with fabric, laces and trims.. you have such an innate talent for combining them all together! Please enter me in your giveaway.. what a thrill it would be to own a creation of yours! Gotta go as I need to go back and reread your post. So much eye candy to take in... just love it!!

  67. Suzi, your creative space and your artwork are both simply amazing!! I am your newest follower. I would love to add your give-away button to my sidebar but can't seem to figure out how to do it. How do I get the java code?

  68. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS POST...your studio and all your fabulous treasures! that dome is wonderful. oh my I could play in this room for days - no - weeks. And your journals are so beautiful. I have become a follower and can't wait to look at more of your blog!

  69. Ker-thunk. Did you hear that? That was me falling off the bed looking at your books, fabrics, my head is spinning! What a wonderful blog and creations you have. Beautiful tour!-xox-cindy

  70. I am now a follower and would love to win your give-away. I think I did everything right. To find me and tell me I won....I hope, my email is Many thanks for a great tour!-xoxo-cindy

  71. i have been a follower for awhile now.. and love your creativity.. and would love to be in your giveaway...
    your workspace is beautiful... and no wonder you create such elegant books and quilts in such a relaxing and eye inspirations every where you look :)
    lynn legge

  72. Oh my goodness!!!. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven :). What a wonderful collection of antiques, laces and all the gorgeous fabrics!!. I LOVE your fabric journals. The studio is beautiful, and oh-so-much-more lace :). Inspiring to just sit looking at the garden outside and play!. Thanks for sharing your photos with us @ Our Beautiful World!:).

  73. Hello Suzy! Wow, your studio is such a lovely dreamy place! And the lace journals are STUNNING!! You own an impressive collection of lace trims :)

  74. Your studio and your creations just leave me breathless and speechless. I can never see enough photographs of your beautiful creative space, your gorgeous collections and your exquisite creations. They are like water to a man dying of thirst, they quench the thirst and calm the soul.

  75. Your giveaway button is now on my sidebar :-) xxx

  76. Suzi this is total heaven I am in love with your beautiful pieces and your laces!!! Thanks so mcuh for joining us at Our Beautiful World. Since we are very new out there I would love for you to help us out by linking back to us on the photo you submmited! Thaks Suzy I will also put your giveaway on my sidebar.

  77. I just love following your blog and dreaming of your beautiful creations. Your studio is to die for - I really must start collecting!

  78. Oh my, not only do you get to work with beautiful piles of lace in the studio all day, you get to sleep under it at night? Love that quilt!!!

  79. I am so in love with your creative space! I could spend ALL my time there being inspired and creative! I love the silver tray with the cloche and vignette to days gone by. I have my great-great grandmothers sewing things and i think something like that would be a wonderful way to display them. All of these lovely studio spaces I've seen are so beautiful! I will definitely post on the sidebar of the blog for you.
    Debi Minter

  80. I am drooling at your photos ... and positively Speechless! Thanks so very much for linking up to Our Beautiful World ... I hope that you will use our blog button too and join us again!

  81. Dear Suzy:) You have big and wondeful treasure , I really enjoy on tour throught your great space of dreams:))Big hug to you:)


  82. I would call this Lacey Heaven! But I love those vintage keys best of all.

  83. i love your work its beautiful so talented love it

  84. Your space is very pretty. I love all of your beautiful lace and your work is beautiful too.

  85. Well, that was quite a tour. Everything we love to see. Thank you for posting these.

  86. If I feel like I'm in heaven just looking at your photos, I can't imagine what actually being in your space must be like! Your creations are so incredibly beautiful. Thank you for showing us your magnificent space!

  87. Oh my goodness! I LOVE your studio! And I love your fabric journals. I have got to try making one of those someday. Ok, I have to go back and look at all your fabulous photos again................Thank you!

    Cathy ♥

  88. Oh Suzy this is such a treat to be able to tour your wonderful studio. I am breathless with all of your fabrics, laces, doilies, and treasures you surround yourself with. I have always loved your beautiful art creations and now I can see clearly how you create what you live! Thank you very much for sharing. I truly admire your work. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  89. Hi Suzy! We were away last week so I couldn't tell you then how beautiful I think your studio is. I would be hard-pressed to say what I like best about it, since I love everything in it!! You continue to inspire me, first with your art, and now with your studio. Thanks for everything! Hugs, Sue

  90. Hello,
    Your talent touches my heart way deep down. i Love your studio. Everything that you touch seems to combine itself into a heart warming creation. All of your pieces look like they were loved and shared by someone for centuries. Just stunning. Thank you for being out there and sharing with us.

  91. Hi, I am a new follower of your Blog after finding it through the Where Bloggers Create. Your studio is so tranquil and absolutely lovely. I wish I lived closer so I could come and visit and enjoy your surroundings. Thank you so much for your generous Giveaway as it is so thoughtful of you.

    I am looking forward to visiting and enjoying your creations.

    Take care,

  92. Suzy! I absolutely love your work. It's my thing! So much detail and intricate work. That's what I love to do. Just seeing your blog and your beautiful work space has inspired me today to clean up my messy space and get back to work. Thanks so much for sharing all of it!

    Ever your fan! Judy

  93. hi Suzy

    I love your work, i check you out every day to make sure I haven't missed any of your fabulous posts.
    You are such an inspiration to me.

    your work is absolutely fabulous, and your studio inspires me also, it is great. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  94. O my word... Your wonderful craft space is divine, Full of amazing vintage lace & beautiful items...your work is amazing... you inspire me so much I have just bought a tutorial on how to make a fabric book so looking forward to getting started...Thank you so much for the chance to own one of your Beautiful creations... Hugs May x x x
    Will pop on my sidebar x x x x

  95. Beautiful studio just perfect, not to cluttered but just enough goodies around to inspire . Ok I am coming over. Well probably not a tad far but in heart I am.

    will come back and do the side bar post. I think I have it though come to think of it. If not will be back. Your work is so inspiring.

  96. Dear Suzy
    Surely that is not one year ago when I first stepped into your studio? The time just whizzes past but here is the beauty, time stops as I absorb the beauty within your studio. The little displays of love, the frothy lace, rich textiles that evoke another time and another place. A gentle place to take the time to explore the exquisite art you create and the beauty of the gifts you receive.
    If this were not a gift in itself you present this astonishing piece of art in your Giveaway. I am truely lucky to be able to look around me and view your art and being a wee bit cheeky, I would still like to have my name added to the vintage hat (!) to be part of your Giveaway.
    This visit came when I needed it, thank you dear Suzy.

  97. Hi Suzy I forgot to leave my email, I did leave the button on my regular blog.. Again you are a treasure to do this and I am again looking at your beautiful work area or I should call it your play area. xoxoxo

  98. tout est magnifique
    votre atelier est superbe
    bonne soirée

  99. Your studio is beautiful, every corner and every nook, full of inspiration. Thank you for sharing your world with us!

  100. Suzy,
    You do know I love, love your work for I have said as much in the past. I really love your creative space, all those beautiful items surrounding you, must bring you such peace indeed!
    I thank you for sharing your space and your self with all of us.

  101. I am sorry to be late to the party!
    Your studio is so gorgeous Suzy! Oh my! Every little nook and cranny is filled with such delightful little treasures! You have spread your creative joy all over your room!
    I really enjoyed seeing all these pieces of art at one time. OH my but how beautiful all your creations are! And your photography and subsequent artful images you share with us....brilliant!

  102. Suzy, I've posted a message on my blog for your give away and my friends begun to visit your beautiful studio. I put the "give away" button in the right bar too, with link. So everything is OK.
    Have a beautiful day.
    Hugs Nijenn

  103. Merveilleux,féérique ,tout en romantisme et poésie ,j'adore votre univers ou il doit être tellement bon vivre !
    Merci de partager votre passion,coups de coeur avec nous ,nous rêvons et ça nous fait un bien fou.
    Susy je vous dis mille fois bravo !
    Amitiés et admiration

  104. Hello Suzy,

    What a wonderful, beautiful space you have. And your work is absolutely amazing.
    All the laces and the colors are so in beautiful harmony !! I love it so much. All your work is so inspiring!!! Lovely.

    Thank you so much for your visit and your kind comment on my blog!!

    I'd love to be part of your generous Give away.
    A warm hug, dear Suzy, for sharing all this beauty!!!

    Blessings to you,

  105. Hello,
    I must say this is one gorgeous blog. Your work is exquisite. And you space so wonderful. No trouble to work here. I would like to say I love the doll Your friend Dorthey made. LOVELY!!!
    Thank you for sharing and I know it was a lot of work to put on.
    Marie Antoinette

  106. I love your studio! It is full of the most beautiful things and full of inspiration. I thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Thanks so much for sharing.

  107. OOOHHHH!!! I TOTALLY LOVE YOUR SPACE, with the vintage feel and all the ephemera displayed its so welcoming, i could want to move in, TFS

  108. Your hearts and fabric journals are stunning, Suzy! I loved seeing all the fabrics you have and use in your creations. Just gorgeous. I can only imagine how inspired you must be creating in this room surrounded by all this!

  109. So much beauty in one post! Overwhelming in a very good way. You do beautiful work and I love the gypsies, gorgeous. I would love a chance at your giveaway if it is open to the USA.

    I am also having a GIVEAWAY that is open to the world so by all means, come on by and bring friends at a chance to win!

    Thank you for having me on your beautiful blog. It's gorgeous.

  110. A beautiful blog post full of candy. You are a creative genius!

  111. Oh goodness, your studio is gorgeous! I see you are a total fellow lover of lace!


  112. Suzy dearest, I can't even start to tell you how gorgeous I think your studio is!!! I have never seen such a place so full of magic and everything I adore. I think if I created in that beautiful space I would feel as though I were in Heaven! The wall of glass makes one feel as though they are in a lovely treehouse. No wonder your creations are so so amazing my friend. I feel so very inspired right now. Just to see the gorgeous quilts all stacked up on the shelves makes me happy. You really have many treasures in this space.
    sending love from here...

  113. Hi dear Suzy,
    your studio is a dream come true.Thanks for sharing.Will put your giveaway on my sidebar.Have a wonderful weekend.
    Big hugs,

  114. A beautiful studio and great art work! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your lovely giveaway :)

  115. Hi Suzy!
    Thanks for your sweet visit at my studio...just had to come and take a peek at your lovely space. How serene, peaceful and a dreamy place you have created. I am such a lace girl and am so drawn by how you have have it incorporate all over your room and use it in all you do!
    I would love to win your giveaway!
    Be blessed,

  116. OMG--I think I just swooned! I am so in love with your studio. I love everything vintage, everything lace, everything ribbon and I just ADORE your room. WOW! I wanted to reach through my computer screen and touch everything. I'm going to have to come back and swoon some more when I have more time. TFS!

  117. Oh my! You just made my day beautiful! What a gorgeous post! I loved each and every photo. So much eye candy to see in every one. I am a papercrafter so I really loved your journals. Just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.

  118. I remember very vividly your fabulous studio and creations from last year. I am a follower already, and I dream about the all the lovliness I saw last year. It would be a great joy to win something from your studio and talent. Thanks for coming by my blog and leavingsuch a sweet message.

  119. I am so blown away and overwhelmed by the beauty of your photos and creations!! Please count me in, I am a huge fan and so inspired by this blog!!!

  120. Sweet Suzy,
    your studio is stunning ... and your work ... beyond beautiful! You are such an amazing artist!
    And your giveaway gifts are so lovely! Please enter my name.

    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  121. What a lovely and inspiring studio! Thanks for sharing.

  122. Wow! My first visit here, I'm astounded at all the beautiful lace, collage and flowers (at the bottom of page). Thank you so much for the lovely inspiration!

  123. Sigh...your studio is oh my wonderful! I could spend days looking at all the laces, vintage fabrics, antique clothing and of course your creations!!! And shelving??! What would be do without it! You look so very organized but you've still managed to make it all look so welcoming and not "paws off stuffy". LOVE your studio!!!! Love your talent that you have shared with us! Thank you very much! Romeo and I had a wonderful time. And of course we shall return -- how could we not?!?

    "her" and Romeo

  124. I never tire of seeing your wonderful studio with the overflowing creativity and beautiful bits and pices!! Again I ahve been away too long. I am readying for my very vfirst Featured Artist Show at the Gallery where I have my studio and I must add that I am in panic mode!! Will I have enough and will it be done and will it be fresh and exciting enough?? We Shall SEE!! so I JUST POPPED BY TO SAY HI TO YOU DEAR Suzy AND TO TELL YOU AGAIN HOW MUCH i LOVE YOUR WORK AND YOUR ROSES AND YOUR WONDERFUL STYLE!! creative HUGS DEAR FRIEND!!

  125. I love all your creations. I follow by email. Thanks for the chance to win. Dori

  126. Hi Suzy
    What a wonderful blog. I'm new to it and discovered it through Pinterest. Your work is inspirational. Would love to own some. Can I enter the GIVEAWAY.
    Details: email or blog is

  127. Oh my goodness, I have just found your blog via another blog I visited and am so glad I have. What a beautiful, beautiful place and your photographs and creativity is amazing. I am so in awe of all the beauty here.

  128. Oh my, the work that comes from your nimble fingers is so fantastic! You have some exquisite pieces of lace on display...they take my breath away! Beautiful studio. I'd love to see what is in each and every one of those bins. Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks for the grand tour!

  129. Found you recently through Pinterest. Your fabric and lace books are so incredibly gorgeous!!! Your studio is so serene and elegant with an amazing view.and your collection of fabrics, laces and other special goodies is second to none. You have inspired me to attempt to make my own lacebook. The opportunity to win a beautiful piece of your handiwork is exciting to say the least. God Bless......Angie G

  130. OMG, I don't know where I have been all these years.... your studio and work are absolutely amazing! It's like entering a museum.... my jaw is nearly on the floor..... I was delighted to even discover one of my lovely blogfriends, Dorthe Hansen's beautiful dolls. I know she has posted gifts from you on her blog before, but somehow, I never took the time to visit here. But that will be remedied now, as I shall follow you from now on (and truly not just to be in with a chance for a give away). I am absolutely in awe of your work! I shall put your giveaway in my side bar and no doubt will be back often!

  131. Kære Suzy, jeg elsker at se din blog, med alle de dejlige stoffer og antikke ting, jeg ville så gerne lave noget ala det du laver, men jeg tør ikke rigtig, men vil elske at være med i din givaway (tænk hvis jeg vandt)knus morkaren.

  132. Wow Suzy, I think if I were in your studio I would think I had died and was in heaven! Its absolutely amazing and what a wonderful giveaway too. Thanks so much. Margie x

  133. Thank you for sharing your lovely space with us. Your work is so inspiring.


  134. Hello Suzy, What a very lovely studio, would inspire anyone. I wonder how you manage to be so organized and tidy. Best wishes from Spain . Sheryl.

  135. Suzy
    I can't remember how I got to your blog (I've been blog hopping) but I am really glad I found you. Your creations are so lovely! I love the laces - all of them. They are so feminine and vintage looking. If I should be so lucky as to win one of your cuffs, you can contact me by email:

  136. Suzy
    I'm back! I figured out how to sign up to get updates from you blog! That will be so great, I won't miss anything. I wish we were at least in the same country. I have a bunch of various items I think you could use - I collect so much stuff (I know I will eventually use it!). I love your studio and am very jealous! I'll be looking forward to updates!

  137. Usted vive en un mundo ideal! y sus trabajos son soñados!!
    mi email:
    gracias por esta oportunidad!

  138. My goodness, Suzy! Your studio is a paradise on earth! I would be very happy to stay a few hours in it :-) There is so much to explore and so much to see wonderful and valuable treasures. Your new creations are all gorgeous and adorable.
    Greetings from Stuttgart (the temperature here is unbearable. Yesterday it was 38 degrees Celsius). I hope the weather is agreeable with you?
    Hugs MARTINA

  139. You're right, the blog community sure brings us all together from all corners of the world. I love seeing different studios from different parts and your studio is a treat to see, all that lovely lace and antique pieces, just makes once heart stop in awe. I love old lace too, but Im not good at sewing but trying. It was lovely to see your work space and your amazing sewing art. Beautiful!!

    Cheers from Ottawa, Canada


  140. Suzy, your studio is heavenly! Thank you for sharing...I'm so glad I found your blog! Still working through all the lovely studios for WBC much fun! Love your journals, and your lace and doily quilt is breathtaking!

    Hugs from Green Bay, Wisconsin!

  141. Oh my Friend I'm having SERIOUS Studio and Vintage Fabric Envy now! *Winks* And what a generous Give-Away, your Creations always take my Breath away!!! And your Studio is every bit as Magical as I Imagined it would be!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  142. SO beautiful!! Your studio is so lovely, there's so much eye candy & inspiration in there!! I just love your glass dome and the things underneath! Thanks for a chance for the giveaway! Happy week! xo Holly

  143. Hello Suzy~ looks like you have a charming and inviting work space with a lovely outdoor view...perfect for creating! Love the lace dress and cloche :)

  144. Beautiful studio and incredible creations! Wish I had gotten here earlier to be in on the drawing... oh well! Thank you for the wonderful tour - love all the antiques and special treasures you have.

  145. Suzy,
    I'm usually late to parties but here I am:) What an amazing place to create! Looking out that window into the woods, how do you remain focused? So beautiful. You have given me some really good storage and organizing ideas. This is the tidiest hoard I've ever seen! Thanks for the tour and inspiration.

  146. Wow Suzy your studio is amazing and somewhere i'd love to just have a browse around :) also just wanted to say i love the fairy journal and the colours u used.

  147. Suzy,
    I just posted on my blog, betsysheartstrings, about the lace cuff I received from you! I hope you get a chance to see it! I am LOVING IT!!!!
    Will have more pictures to post later!
    Hugs and thanks to your beautiful, sweet heart!!!!

  148. Suzy,
    I hope it was alright that i used your picture of your cuff also on my blog.


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy