

Friday, October 11, 2013

My Current "Therapy"

The saddest time
is approaching fast and beyond any care we personally
 can now offer our dear Andrea who is now
 in Palliative Care.

Andrea was able to share some special moments 
in her garden here at home

sitting below this beautiful flowering Cherry Tree, 
listening to the Springtime bird song, 
the humming of the bees in the blossoms
 and taking in the scents on the breezes

whilst eating her favorite home made gingernut biscuits 
and sipping on a chai late

watching the new Springtime growth appearing.

I am still just grateful to be able to sit beside her
 holding her hand with barely any recognition from her now
and fill her with my love -
there is little else that matters!

I am grateful for the fact that my muse hasn't left me during
these very difficult times because it is in creating
that I am recharged to meet the next

I felt it was time to gather all of these beautiful gifted collages,
cards and tags from some lovely blogging friends

and start to assemble them all into one large
"Friendship Collage Lace Book".
What better therapy could I undertake as one of my
dearest friends looks towards her journey's end
with me!

We all go "home" eventually,

our friends and family too
so making each day count as the best
is a wonderful thing to do!

I can't thank you all enough dear friends for the
kindness and care you have shown in supporting me
through this part of my journey.

I have found it very difficult time wise in responding to your 
sweet comments and just know that I will be 
back visiting you all in the near future!

Much love and appreciation!
Suzy xox


  1. My dear friend, I know how it's must be hard for you and I would like to find the words which give ou serenity, but I kno too they don't exist! All I can give you, is my friendship, and love and prayers.
    All the love you gave to your friend is the most important gift you could give to her, because love is the only thing she'll take with her when going away to light.
    I'm with you by the heart, feeling your sadness and pain!
    All my love xxxxx

  2. So very, very sorry to hear this. Your so strong to be able to give peace and love to your friend and to create a beautiful book to celebrate the power of friendship. Me and my mate have been friends for over 35 years and we're more like sisters. So I can imagine this is so very hard and my thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  3. Hai Suzy,

    I wish you and Andrea strenght in this very difficult and sad time.
    It`s so hard to let go and say goodbey to someone you love so dearely ...and youre right love is all that matters.
    Behind every tear off sadness there`s a smile of a happy memory.

    I send you love, Ciska

  4. hello Suzy
    tout mon soutien pour ce passage
    j'ai vécu cela avec ma mère
    et après je m'en suis sentie réconforté
    accompagner jusqu'au bout du voyage
    une amie , rends le chagrin moins
    par la pensée , je serai près de vous
    toute ma tendresse
    edith (iris)

  5. Your post made me cry Suzy, life can be so cruel you lovely friend Andrea looks so happy and full of life in your picture. I can visualise the pair of you chatting in your beautiful garden. I can only say that my thoughts are with you both, and that the work you are creating with your friends book really does have your heart and soul in it. with love Jayne x

  6. My dearest Suzy

    This is the hardest time of all and nothing in life prepares us for this moment - you have given Andrea what she needed most and that was love and holding her close while walking beside her on this last stage of her journey.

    That is a beautiful photo of Andrea - she will want you to remember and hold on to her sweet smile.

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

    Every day you are all in my thoughts
    sending you all warm caring hugs and much love
    Shane xox

  7. Wishing you much strength and sending prayers and good thoughts across the wide oceans!
    So glad you can find some relief of your pain through your creative process. I know from experience that love unites us and the bands of true love can never be separated. Your love and friendship will go with Andrea as she continues on the next steps of her journey, she will still be with you even when your physical eyes and hands can no longer touch.

  8. My dear Suzy,
    you have no idea how very sad and sorry I am for all of you. My heart aches reading this. Nevertheless I admire your strengh in having the concentration creating such beauty during this difficult time.Thanks for sharing this lovely photo of Andrea.
    Sending much love and gentle hugs,

  9. Dear, dear Suzy ~ You and Andrea are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Even in your sorrow, you are encouraging and inspiring others.

    Andrea may not recognize you, but she feels your love. Love is priceless.

    Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

  10. Dear Suzy,
    my heart, thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend Andrea.

    Many heartfelt hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  11. There's no finer tribute to a friend than helping them leave this world and enter the next with dignity and fellowship. As you watch over her now, she will soon watch over you.

  12. So sorry Suzy that you are losing your precious is so very hard. But what a beautiful tribute to your friendship that she has someone like you to "be there" thorough it all, the wonderful and the ugly and hold her hand as she makes her way to her heavenly home. That is true friendship. Prayers for you both. Blessings this day and in the days to come, Linda

  13. I'm so sorry Suzy. You and your friend are in my thoughts and prayers.Blessings

  14. Trop difficile d'exprimer dans une langue que l'on ne maitrise pas suffisamment, toute l'admiration que je ressens pour vous et votre amie.
    Ce cours séjour au milieu de ce jardin merveilleux et de sentir votre amitié si précieuse, a du lui être d'un grand réconfort.
    Je pense à vous et j'espère que les dentelles et collage seront votre nouvelle thérapie.

  15. You are being the very best friend you can be Suzy. Staying close and just being there is both a joy and a terrible drain on you. Your therapy project is absolutely the best thing to help you cope with what you are going through. Bless you, and your friend through her journey.

  16. I'm not sure if I've left a comment on your blog before, but I read it often. Your post really moved me. Your devotion to Andrea is a wonderful thing, and what a blessing that you're able to channel your feelings into your art.

  17. I know how hard this is to do since I have experienced sitting by someone on their way home

    However why do some have to go so young and so full of life left on this earth ?

    the art work is wonderful

  18. Dear Suzy...I am so sorry about Andrea. Your beautiful post made me cry. She is so fortunate to have such a dear friend as you, and I am sure that she has already seen a glimpse of heaven in your beautiful garden. Much love, Sue

  19. Hi Suzy, your gift of friendship to each other continues to give you both strength. Andrea looks so happy in her lovely photo.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I'm glad you are able to create more of your gorgeous projects because art can be healing and soothing during a difficult time. Love and hugs.

  20. I continue to keep you and your dear friend in my prayers as she takes her final journey. May peace be with you and her family during this hard time of letting go. May your hearts be filled with love and the courage that you will need in the coming days. Lifetime friends are just that, they last beyond time as we know it. I know your heart is breaking and so heavy with sadness now, but may all your memories of wonderful times spent together fill those aching moments when you think you cannot go forward to this journeys end. May you find strength in the days to come not only for your friend, but for yourself as well. Sending much prayer and love your way. May your love encompass your friend in such a way that all pain and care is lifted from her shoulders as she closes the chapter on her journey. And may you be rested and filled with peace for your friend. God bless you for being faithful to your friend and her family.

  21. I'm very saddened, too and will add you and this precious lady to my prayers. You've received some wonderful comments and they've helped me, too. Sweet hugs, Diane

  22. your post wrenches my heart and it is so lovely that you are creating such a beautiful tribute to friendship that will last after we are all long gone... xo

  23. Through tears I write this Suzy, my thoughts and prayers are with you both.. you are one special friend being close with Andrea while she takes this next step home, every second counts at this time...your friendship collage book will be a great comfort to you in the future...Bless you both... Hugs May x x x

  24. Dear Suzy

    It has all been said above and all I can say is I hope she does not suffer and her ending is peaceful.

    You will always remember her and the good memories will sustain you.

    Special hugs

  25. Such a sad time for you Suzy. Your being there for her will help heel the loss down the track. Andrea's very lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

  26. Such a bittersweet time for you Suzy, letting go with love and being there to hold her hand is the biggest gift of love Suzy, I have been where you are and stayed with my BFF until she took her last breath. My heart swells and breaks for you with deep emotion my friend.
    May you be blessed and find peace.
    Loving thoughts and prayers, Marilou

  27. Dear Suzy, it must be so hard to letting her go. Sitting beside her and let her feel your love is so important for both of you now that there are no words anymore.

    Thinking of you.
    Love and lots of hugs.

  28. Es fällt mir richtig schwer, die richtigen Worte zu finden, wenn ein steiniger Weg zu Ende geht.
    Es ist schön, dass du so viel Beistand geben konntest, und weiterhin gibst.
    Das zu hören, tut mir in der Seele gut.

    Alles Liebe und Umarmung von Sophie xx

  29. Dear Suzy,

    I'm so sorry. This is so sad.
    I will be thinking of you both and praying.

    God bless you and give you peace.

    Hugs, Wilma.

  30. What a beautiful picture of your dear friend. I am sure you have many wonderful and beautiful memories of her that you will forever keep with you deep within your heart. May they be a comfort to you in moments of pain and sadness. God bless you and your friend Andrea.


  31. What a beautiful and meaningful post! God bless you as you sit with your love one. Marlynne

  32. My dearest Suzy,
    Such a beautiful picture of your beloved Andrea - it is so hard to believe that this lovely ,well looking woman,-- in a time so very short, is now on her last dayes of life.
    I feel so heawy in my heart for her, and all of you . I know she is so very blessed with you on her side through this most ever difficult journy, and I know she feels the love through your hand holding hers!
    Dearest Suzy,- I`m happy you can find ease from the pain, in creating this new book about friends connections,- and hope you and Jeff find strengh in each other, to be with Andrea to the end.
    I send you love and warmest hugs, my darling friend. Take care, dear.dear Suzy .
    Your Dorthe

  33. Your post is so beauty Full. Andrea is such lovey soul! I feel her beauty, and your beauty, and the delicate bond shared between you two during this incredible journey. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  34. Suzy your post is such a bitter sweet one. How brave Andrea is. Your journey traveling along with her journey is so heartwarming. Your "Friendship Collage Lace Book" will be such a treasure. My prayers are constant for a peaceful journey. Blessings Dear...

  35. Dear Suzy,
    I wish your dear,lovely friend and you, all the strength in the world.


  36. Dearest Suzi... our prayers are with you and Andrea as you escort her through this transition. Your images are lovely and will go with her in peace.
    Many blessings,

  37. Such a beautiful post, Suzy. It is quite apparent that you love your friend and would do anything for her. It's just a shame that you can't do "that" for her. I, too, have been in your shoes and feel your pain. Sunny skies ahead ...

  38. You cannot imagine, dearest Suzy, how much I admire your strength and loyalty to your friend! You are a person, who not only is a great inspiration in means of art. Your faith and the real meaning of friendship that I find in your words are like a light that invites me to follow. Thank you also, for having the trust to share your journey with us. I am sure, that your impressive strength and energy, your friendship and loyalty are guidelines for many of your followers! I feel very touched by your words and I wish you and your husband and certainly your friends all the courage you can afford!
    A heartfelt embrace from

  39. I'm so sorry to hear of your friends failing. She may not be able to show it but I'm sure you know she is grateful for your caring heart cradling her at this time. I think it is beautiful what you are doing. Anyone should be so lucky to have such a dear friend so she has in you. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
    Gentle hugs and love,
    No need to reply dear friend.

  40. Suzy- you have been a blessing to your dear friend-- but in turn she is giving you precious gifts as well-- the knowledge that each day is a gift-- and that nothing is more important than the love of family and friends. I'm keeping you all in my prayers-- and I'm so sorry for your heartache.

    I'm happy you can still create right now-- that is a beautiful gift as well. Your creations are totally stunning--

  41. Suzy,
    Heart hugs to you.....and Andrea would give them to you as well, if she could, I know it....such beauty in friendship and love isn't will miss her and that is as it should be. She knows you love her and will always love you!

  42. Dear Suzy
    My time on-line has been rather hit and miss so it has taken me longer than I would have hoped to visit you.
    I sit here with a lump in my throat reading the words of love and friendship. I had no realisation that your dear friend was so gravely ill. Knowing that you are side by side, holding hands, will surely bring a deep level of comfort to Andrea.
    For you, I am sending you a warm and comforting hug. Your words will have touched a chord with so many and for that we should all thank you for your brave heart in opening up to all of us.
    Wishes to you and dear Andrea.

  43. So very, sorry to hear this.I just lost my mum recently and is sitting a bit sad reading this for you i also will send you my friendship and love. a Deep and warm hug

  44. Sending you hugs and love with a few of Romeo's rumbling purrs thrown in for good measure. You are in our thoughts....

    "her" and Romeo

  45. hello Suzy
    such a wonderful photo from your beloved Andrea.
    life can be very cruel dear and i wish you a lot of strengt during the coming weeks.
    keep the moments you had together , because they are a treasure and theywill alwyas stay in your heart.
    hugs to you.

  46. What a beautiful photo of your dear friend. And what a wonderful friend you have been to her throughout her battle. Andrea will leave this world knowing how much you loved her, and that knowledge will give her great comfort as she "lets go".

    I absolutely love your idea of making a friendship collage book, filled with wonderful treasures from other friends. It will contain a part of each of them, as well as of you... what a special tribute to friendship--and life-affirming therapy for you.

    Sending you much love, dear Suzy, and a million hugs,


  47. How blest you are to be able to care for your dear friend Andrea in her last days here on Earth. A heartrending, hard-to-find-the-words-to-say for when someone you love so dearly passes from this life on to the next. Yes, it is so good we know we shall see them again in the beautiful 'beyond'. May your last days with her be cherished memories for you. The photo of Andrea is so very sweet.
    My prayers are sent upwards for you and for Andrea...for you, that you will have strength in the caring process, and for Andrea that her journey will be an easy one when it is time for her to release her soul for this life.
    warm hugs, thoughts, and prayers

  48. Suzy I do not know what shall I say, in my thoughts I hug you and think at your good friend Andrea.


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy