

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rest and Recovery

This is where you will find me for the time being
away from my Studio
mulling over new creative ideas
in our garden room

reading and recovering from an arm injury - yes

I've torn a muscle in my right arm
DH (the arm police) is keeping me very much longer
than arms length away from
the things I most love for a rest from creating
and visiting blogs
in the hope of healing without
medical intervention.

and I couldn't think of a more peaceful place to be.

So please come and stay a while, say hello and take in some 
of this beauty with me.

(from a recent Nature journal I have finished).

I surely hope it won't be too long before I can reconnect
with you all because I'm already missing the 
blogging experience,
your company
the ability to create.

Loving thoughts and thanks for visiting with me.

Suzy xox


  1. Oh suzy, I am so sorry to hear of your arm injury. You have a beautiful place to rest and recover with such wonderful views of your garden. I wish you a very speedy recovery and I am sure it will not be long before you are fully rested and your arm is back to normal. With love, take care, Jaynex

  2. rest up.......looks like a perfect place to meditate and recover. just beautiful. hope you are feeling well. I will miss your posts. xo

  3. Dearest Suzy,
    Jeff is so right in "placing" you far away from computer and beautiful materials, for you not to suddenly finding yourself sewing and doing ,to your hearts content ,but not to your arm`s content.
    This beautiful and peaceful little house is the perfect place to relax and watch your increddible nature, and garden. I wish I could sit there with you my loved friend.
    Now listen to your DH and take care of your arm, untill you are sure it is healed properly.
    With love from Dorthe, and thank you for the amazing photoes.
    Knus og kys, Dorthe

  4. Dear Suzy, I´m soooo sorry to hear from your arm injury, take all the rest you need in this beautiful garden, and I`m sure you will get tons off new ideas in this charming looks s lovely and entchanting :)
    I hope you are getting better every minute!

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  5. Hi Suzy, I'm so sorry your arm is giving you problems, and I hope it will heal in double quick time. In the mean while we'll miss your posts and beautiful work. Blessings

  6. The garden is looking lovely, I do hope you recover soon and don't go mad with boredom.

  7. Dear Suzy ~ What a wonderful, lovely, peaceful place to recover. May you soon be able to do all the things you love and enjoy.


  8. what a fabulous place for healing, rest and recuperation! Hope your arm heals quickly!

  9. So sorry for you. What a beautiful recovery hide away. I had hand surgeries on both hands and was still working, even with the casts on them. Took a long time to heal.

  10. I have no doubt with rest your arm will heal quickly and you will be back creating once again. Life's challenges. Lovely photos of the gardens and property. Take care Suzy!

  11. Oh what a wonderful sanctuary. And what a view! Hope the peace and relaxation is working. Take care of yourself....

  12. Take your time! I would love to go MAD in that magical cottage forever! xoDebi

  13. What a lovely little sanctuary for you to dream and be inspired!! So sorry your arm is hurting, but hopefully your healing will be fast as you rest it. Meanwhile you can dream up some beautiful things in your mind, or read some great books and magazines. Prayers you will be back in your studio very soon!! Blessings, Linda

  14. what a pretty little retreat. I'm planning a pretty new little studio for myself as well - for totally different reasons. Sure hope you heal quickly --

  15. A perfect 'room with a view' how lucky you are Suzi to have such a delightful sanctuary.
    Take care of yourself and get well soon....

  16. Rest up and relax, time heals and will no doubt feed your Creativity too : )
    SUCH a delightful bolt hole and garden!!

  17. Oh dear Suzy, I am so sorry to read about your hurt prayers for healing are going up for you...such a lovely spot to sit and recover...hopefully you will be back to your healthy self really soon...sending hugs across the pond to blessed and take care...

  18. Oh Suzy, so sorry to hear you injured your arm!! DH is absolutely right though, you need to give it rest, and wow, what a stunning place to sit and recover!! I am trying very hard not to feel jealous! Your garden is so love and peaceful and tranquil, one can even feel that by just looking at the photos. The cover of your nature journal looks incredible too, - but it will be waiting for you when your arm is ready, I know how hard it is though to be patient, so sending bit hug hugs and healing thoughts!

  19. So Sorry for your incapacitation! But what a Beautiful!! place to do it in! Hope it mends fast!

  20. So sorry to hear you're not well, but what a great place to rest and recover. Take care.

  21. Dear Suzy
    I am so sorry to read of your arm injury and thankful you have the Arm Policy keeping a check on you so that you take the time to make a full recovery!
    To be able to sit in such a place of great gentleness will do wonders for your injury and for your soul, whether you take time to meditate or pick up an engrossing novel or whatever will bring balm to your arm and your soul at this time.
    I am sure having such a prime viewing spot on nature will also do wonders.
    Take good care of your dear self.

  22. Dear Suzy,
    I'm so sorry to hear you injured your arm and hope you are not in much pain. Please do rest up and take good care of yourself.
    I wish I could come over and visit you in your magical place:)
    You new journal cover is simply gorgeous.
    Sending big hugs and love,

  23. Hello my dear!
    I'm sad to read you're suffering from an injury, and I hope you'll recovery queekly!
    You've a marvelous garden, very best place to meditation, dreaming of new creation and rest!
    Hugs and big kisses, thinking of you a lot!

  24. I do hope your arm heals all by it's self and you can sit and admire your garden and plan what you are going to make next.
    Hugs Kay

  25. So sorry you are "out of commission" so to speak! Looks like you have a lovely place to rest and heal. Miss your blogs already! Take care of yourself.

  26. Hello dearest Suzy, I'm so sorry that you have such arm problems. Your sweet arm police officer is right to keep you away from the computer and your studio. I know it's hard to rest when you'd much rather create and surf the internet. Your garden is a wonderful place to be and I'm sure you'll find some inspiration for future projects. Be a good girl and rest for now. We will still be here when you return.
    Sending big hugs and healing thoughts to you, sweet friend,

  27. Please do take care of you and get all better soon! Being able to spend time in (and around) such a charming wee house would certainly help me to feel better I know.

  28. So sorry to hear of your injury dear Suzy. Healing thoughts and prayers being sent your way for a speedy recovery.


  29. Suzy I am so sorry you have injured your arm. Taking a much needed rest in this glorious garden room is true bliss. With such a lovely view of Mother Nature and all her wonder I will imagine your head will fill with lots of new inspirations for your creation once you have healed. Prayers and Healing Energy for you dear...

  30. Dear Suzy,
    so sorry to hear that you have an injury to your arm. The garden room is a wonderful place to relax in peace. Thank you so much for the beautiful photos.
    I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to hearing from you again.
    Hugs and kisses from Germany
    MARTINA oxo

  31. OUCH! my arms have been hurting for a month after moving landscaping block for three days, and that was bad enough! yours sounds much more painful! Your garden "shed" is beautiful! what a lovely place to relax,. If I lived near you, I would come and massage your arm for you. That is what I have been doing with my arems and it has helped quite a bit. A professional massage would be better for me! So much going on right now!
    hugs, and I hope you feel better soon, LOVE the pictures of your inspiring and beautiful!

  32. Suzy your garden is a dream! And your garden house is so so beautiful. I love it!!! It looks so fantastic. Have a nice time in your little garden house :)
    Hugs Alexandra

  33. Hello Dear Sweet Suzy, I am so sorry your torn shoulder has lingered and demanded attention. I wish you the very best healing moments in your beautiful garden room, and the lovely healing views of your garden.
    Hugs and hugs,

  34. Oh no Suzy! I am sending you love and and healing light and good energy. I hope your injury heals fast for you without complications. You do have gorgeous views and a lovely place to rest and recover. Big hugs and wishing you the best.

  35. Dearest, sweet, Suzy
    May your arm heal real soon! Your garden room is enchanting and I adore the 'Wonderland' pathways of your garden. What a soothing environment to be in.
    Get well real soon!
    Teresa in California

  36. Dearest Suzy- I'm so so sorry that you've injured yourself-- I pray you are recovering well and resting as you should. You have a truly beautiful place to recover--

    Much love

  37. Oh no my dear Suzy.....
    I can feel your pain as two years ago I broke both my wrists.
    Believe me I understand your frustration... I thought at the time things would never come right but it does eventually.

    Make the most of your time out, by planning your Spring garden, perusing plant catalogues (one of my fave things to do). I'm sure you've got a pile of books to read - if not please sing out as I can send you a couple of goodies!

    I'm swooning over your wonderful garden room - your Jeff has a creative side too!
    The perfect place for 'time out and recuperation' make the most of it!

    Sending love and caring thoughts across the Tasman dear Suzy - I'll be in touch.
    Shane xox

  38. so sorry about your arm me dear and glad DH is making you behave. the garden is beautiful and oh could the faeries dance and play in it. I could dance and play in it, so relaxing to see. take care my dear and heal 100% oxoxx

  39. I'm so sorry to read about your arm, Suzy! Your little garden house is beautiful, as your garden. It looks like a perfect place to relax and recover. Take care of yourself and get well soon!
    Sending big hugs and healing energy your way!

    Gaby <3

  40. Such a beautiful place to distract you to allow you to heal. Lovely views calm the soul.

  41. I couldn't imagine a more delightful spot to rest and recoup. Take good care!

  42. Thanks for sharing a fun relaxing little spot. Lovely gardens and sweet little retreat. So hope you are on the mend quickly. Best Wishes


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy