

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Two Cards of Innocent Vintage Beauty!

Very much in the sepia tones
are these two cards of pure young vintage
 innocence and beauty
created with layers of vintage ephemera, sweet images,
vintage laces, burlap, scrim and script!





So much of the beauty here lies in all the little details!
I only wish they could appreciate the
joy I received
 in creating with their beautiful images.
Bless their little sweet buttoned boots!!!

they are now available for your perusal
in my Etsy shop.
These collaged cards have now been sold!

Happy Sunday hugs to you all my dear readers!
xox Suzy 


  1. Nice how you've cut the images out, feels different. Swwet faces too. Lovely vintage sepia tones. xox

  2. Beautiful! I often wonder what happened to the people in the photos and what kind of life they had. Life was so different then and you honor those in the photos with your art and gift of sharing them with us. I love you and appreciate your beautiful talents.

  3. Oh my. You had me at the boots and sepia. Great work, Suzy. Love it all!

    Happy crafting ...

  4. They are so gorgeous dearest friend.
    Ofcourse the little dear ones are to totally fell in love with, and love the papers you used beneeth them, as much as the beautiful fabrics and the drama between the brown and black ,you used. Your choise of words are also beautiful, dear Suzy.
    Wishing you a wonderful monday ,thank you for your pm ,you will hear from me ,sweet ,dear.
    Hugs and love

  5. Delightful classic, elegant charm! xoDebi

  6. Hi Suzy,
    Love your creations. Always something beautiful here to see and be inspired by.
    Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful rest of the day.
    Hugs, CM

  7. Can you imagine a little child having to sit still whilst those shoes were buttoned? To say nothing about the curling irons for their hair.

  8. Dear Suzy
    They are both gorgeous - I adore the little buttoned boots too.
    My mother and her six sisters wore them with their beautiful white dresses when they were little!
    Such precious little works of art by your creative hands.
    Much love

  9. Lovely Art! It does give such satisfaction to create!

  10. Such gorgeous cards dear Suzy. With sweet little girls and beautiful layers and details everywhere. xxx


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy