

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Wool Sheds on the Monaro - Inland South East Australia

This week I'm joining in again at
Wen's Simply Neutrals Tuesday No. 6
with a number of wool shearing
sheds which I photographed last January
on a trip to Canberra (Australia's capital city).


This part of Australia is inland from the south-east coast
where I live (about 200k) which is in steep contrast to this
very dry, rocky landscape.

It consists of miles and miles of sheep grazing land
which has gentle slopes and gullies. 
It is a harsh land where the winds are lazy,
burning hot in Summer and freezing cold
in Winter and the rain you can never count on.
This land was, and is, populated by people with courage and


Many of these sheds are still being used while many


have now been abandoned like this one below!

Even these shearer's quarters were amazing to see.
They were virtually used purely for eating and sleeping. 

 Most of these photos were taken as we drove along the


and then there were some odd amazing buildings still
being used as sheds and homes like these
beautiful hand built stone ones! 


I'm sure this building below was abandoned many moons ago

being protected by a high barb wired fence to preserve
what is left of this two story home
and then on the same property was this old slab hut 


which may have housed a hard working family
 most likely many years ago 
but there is something so special in these buildings
which we treasure, not just as being part of
our pastoral past and our Australian heritage but also
because of the fact that the materials that our decendants
used were meant to last!!! 


Thanks Wen for being our wonderful and much appreciated
host once again this week!


  1. Just adore these old buildings with their rusty,weathered patinas.Could sketch these for hours. So lucky to be able to see such wide open spaces relatively close to home.Great images.

  2. thank you for sharing these- I positively LOVE the rustic charm of these places!!

  3. Hello Suzy
    Past times in this part of Australia was surely very hard for all these people!
    I'm surprise by iron roofs, because here in France old barns and houses, even in mountains are made in tiles or stones, but, maybe, they'd only this kind of material?
    Thanks for sharing, because in France, we don't know many things about Australia's history.
    Hugs and kisses

  4. Lol even these photos, so typical of shearing sheds all over Australia.We have one, well my son has it now. Part of my house is galvanized iron too.

  5. Suzy, I love photos of old buildings. I enjoy seeing and reading about your country along with the lovely items you make. Thanks for sharing. Love and Blessings

  6. Hi Suzy, love the rustic charm in the countryside of these old buildings. Great photos. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week.
    Blessings, cm

  7. The buildings are fantastic ... but the chimney is to die for.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Your photo's are wonderful Suzy and I love the stories you tell
    about them~
    It is always nice to see pics from your part of the world!
    I love that old chimney esp! Bricks covered in some type of
    stucco? and distressed by time so beautifully~
    The sheep could get lost in the landscape; they blend in so
    perfectly! Wonderful Tuesday Neutrals : ) Thanks for sharing,

  9. Fab neutrals in the landscape. Stories they could tell. xox

  10. A beautiful post sweetie, it's wonderful to see more of your country. Must be a hard life to live as a sheep shearing family in the dry land. But for an outsider it's fascinating and it leaves some beautiful neutrals and decay for us to admire. Thank you for sharing Suzy and for your sweet words! Sending hugs xxx

  11. Hi Suzy..
    Your sheds there remind me of the bunkhouses used here on the large western, cattle ranches. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos and history of your home land. It's always very special to me to learn of the cultures, heritage and history of my friends. The landscaping there is very beautiful with the prairie grasses, twisted trees and rising mountains in the backgrounds! It's so similar to our high Arizona deserts. It's a very harsh climate as well at 7500 feet. Thank you for your visit to my blog. You are very kind and sweet<3

    Many hugs and blessings to you..


  12. The building's definitely tell of life gone by through the years

  13. I love the outback too Suzy.
    I enjoyed seeing your photos from your journey to Canberra.
    I hope to get into the outback when we visit at Christmas!
    Shane x

  14. Suzy, what an interesting post! The old sheds are such an icon in our Australian landscapes. I love to stop and take photos, too. I can only do it when I'm on a trip alone, as the family get too impatient. I think you have a patient hubby!

    When I was a child my Dad would show us inside the shearers' quarters on various properties we lived on or visited. We'd often find ancient rusty unopened tins of jam or Cocky's Joy, the golden syrup that goes so well with damper. That probably sparked my love of old tins!

    I love the smell of woolsheds. It brings back memories of playing in the off cuts of wool.

    I've been enjoying the good vibes from your gifts each time I see them, even though my life is hectic at the moment. I'm helping with a hat exhibition coming up at our museum. I'll have some great photos to share soon :) Hope you are healing after your dental ordeal :)
    hugs, Jesse

  15. Beautiful photos of our country side. Everyone of these buildings was constructed for a purpose and often in very tough circumstances.

  16. I absolutely love these photos. One of my dreams is to one day re-create old abandoned barns and outbuildings into fabric pieces - so far it hasn't happened, but that's not to say that I don't think about it a lot. Your photos today are so inspiring!


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy