

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas Vignette

As Christmas is the time for celebrating
the birth of Christ in our home
it has also become
customary for us to celebrate
with a Christmas Vignette which I love
to prepare this time of year! 


There are several different events this time of year


you may be celebrating any one of these:
Christmas Day
St. Nicholas Day
Summer or Winter Solstice
Boxing Day or whatever day 



 but it is a time we come 
together as family or friends



to share gifts, festive foods, beverages, good company
as well as

meeting up with old family members to party
to share stories, laughs, yarns 


 and often in the background are the simple reminders
with angels, candles, christmas trees and



 awakening us to the simple joys of giving and sharing

and the importance of the visitation
of the Divine to the planet earth!
Wishing everybody a really Happy Festive Season
in whichever way you celebrate
and thank you so much dear friends for
your continued support in visiting my blog 
throughout the year
wishing you also a prosperous 
happy and healthy New Year!
May your God Bless You!

Sincerely,  Suzy xox


  1. Dear Suzy,
    What a lovely post! Your shared photos and special words about the season,really all touched and warmed my heart.
    Many blessings and much love to you and your family as well~
    Merry Christmas sweet friend!
    Jackie xo

  2. Such a feeling of tranquility throughout these photos Suzy - absolutely lovely. Best wishes for a blessed and happy Christmas to you and your family.

  3. Dearest Suzy, I really feel blessed by my God today, thank you for having been a part of the blessing, in being a wonderful friend.
    Your vignette is simply stunning, dear heart, the beautiful book-angel, and the Santos, with the rosaries, so gorgeous. I also love to display Mother Mary with Jesus for Christmas, and really throughout the year, - you know I`m not a Catholic , but it always called on me, to have them in my home, also rosaries , of which I also have a collection. It is all together fabulous to see, with lit candles, your cards, angels , Christmas trees and gifts from friends. Thank you for being there too. Biggest hugs and love, to you, Suzy. <3 xoxoxo

  4. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of creating to you

  5. bonjour
    Je vous souhaite ce qu'avait écrit jacques Brel :

    « Je vous souhaite des rêves à n'en plus finir, et l'envie furieuse
    d'en réaliser quelques-uns.
    Je vous souhaite d'aimer ce qu'il faut aimer, et d'oublier ce qu'il faut oublier.
    Je vous souhaite des passions.

    Je vous souhaite des silences.
    Je vous souhaite des chants d'oiseaux au réveil et des rires d'enfants… »
    mille bisous edith (iri


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy