

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Treasured Possessions! Simply Neutrals Tuesday No. 38

Very often we just don't stop to think how our lives
would feel and could change if we lost everything 
we owned in a matter of just 2-3 hours!

This has been the case of so many families,
in fact 69 homes within 30 k of where I live, 
over the weekend when a horrendous bush fire
in searing heat and high winds
erased the possessions of these poor poor people!

As Summer is closing here on the far south coast of Australia
(akin to say perhaps Southern California in the U.S.)
there was one last day of very high temperatures
threatening to ravage so much native bushland
and many homes so close to the beach!
Thank goodness many of these people were able to flee
to the beach to escape and, in all of this,
not one one life was lost!

A fire also broke out 
 in native bush land no more than
1/2 kilometre away from where we also live 
thankfully the Rural Fire Service
managed to contain it as we were preparing our
escape plan!

With global warming I genuinely fear this scenario
will be one we will be witnessing more of
in the future!
We can never become too complacent with what nature
dishes out!

I can count myself one of the blessed and lucky ones
who can still hold and appreciate my treasures
such as the ones above which have come
into my life over the past couple of months
from some of my dear blogging friends -
thank you so much for being there!

So blessed are we to be amongst some of the more fortunate
ones - this time!

Linking these neutrals to

Thank you my dear friends,
Suzy xxx


  1. Hello dear Suzy
    What happened is terrible! God be blessed for people saved, but this is all there life which desepear whith their home!!! And it's a psychic trauma for them!
    I'm glad you're safe and your home too.
    You're very courageous, I don't think I would be abble to live in a place where risk of water of fire is too big. It Happens also in some places in France, specially in south east, but some times also on the west coast during storms.
    Hope these people will be abble to find a new home and support this drama!
    Hugs and kisses

  2. Mother Nature has been on a destructive tear for many areas. Things will never be the same for so many. Loving the 'little treasures' you have received. Here we are waiting for SUNSHINE and SPRING. It's slow warming up but we had a good winter. Enjoy

  3. Hello Suzy; and Oh My! I am soo sorry to hear of such devastation : (
    I am, however, relieved that they are none of them having to bury a loved one. This is the good part. But rebuilding is a difficult process and I hope for each family Gods very best~
    Dear Suzy you are well-loved by your blogging friends! and the beautiful treasures they sent are a testament of friendship; and the generous spirit that this community has~ I enjoyed the lovely vignette so much. Thanks for sharing. love & hugs to you, karen o

  4. Dearest Suzy, such a despair for all the ones lost everything over few hours- I can imagine your fear to have been among them, my loved friend, and feared what could have happened, when you wrote me. Suzy, yes so much to be grateful for , especially when experiencing such terrible and horrendous , nature power, taking all from some, in few moments.I dearly hope they can find a way to go on with their life, to start again- and that they are helped financially - oh but all they lost ... so very, very sad- dear heart.
    I see one of Robin`s adorable dolls have visited your home, too- I love the. and have a lot :-)
    Biggest hugs and love to you.
    Dorthe, xoxoxo

  5. So right, Suzy! My parents lost a family cabin in a fire and it was horrid. I've lost possessions due to flooding and when Dave died, it made me realize, all the more, how fleeting this life is always.
    Your photo montage is lovely and comforting.

  6. What a drama - unbelievable! My thoughts are with all this people! Nature gives and takes - we maltreated mother earth so much the last hundred years .We have had a terrible storm some years ago here and that was the first time in my life I really felt that nature is almighty.
    So good you are safe!
    Blessings !
    Your Simply Neutrals Collage is wonderful!

  7. Hey Suzy... Nature can surely become an awesome foe... and YES we must always appreciate our surrounds and life... I know the terrible force of nature in your country as my son lives there... Luckily the people of Australia are good and caring people who are always ready to assist one another in times of peril... We also have terrible forest fire here in date everyone is safe so best to be THANKFUL .... and keep everyone in our prayers... xoxoxox

  8. I am sorry to hear that your country is suffering with the fires. That has to be so frightening and heartbreaking. To lose everything. I am thankful the beach was nearby for those to flee to. Your collage is just beautiful with all the lovely neutral art and items. I think the lesson in your post is in a heartbeat, everything can be gone...that includes health too! HUGS!

  9. I'm so sorry you had to fear the fires but I'm glad the fire fighters could stop them in time. My heart goes out to the people who lost everything. How devastating! Last summer we could see some fires from our home and even they were far enough away, I found it scary. It breaks my heart thinking about all the poor animals that weren't able to escape. Hopefully you'll get some rain soon and the temperatures will come down a bit.
    Your neutral treasures are lovely. Enjoy them, dearest Suzy!
    Hugs and love,

  10. Suzy, I hadn't realised that the Tathra fire was so close to you. I thought you were safe. I was worried that day, especially when the strong hot winds came up and it was 37.8 C degrees on our deck. There were no fires shown then, but I remember thinking what a bad fire day it would be. We have since talked through our fireplan again with our kids while it was fresh in their minds. It doesn't make you feel any better, though. The thought of losing our home, with all the work we have put into it and all of our special treasures would be absolutely awful. Life would never be the same again.

    Those poor people who have lost all, and the whole small town will take a long time to recover from such a great loss in their community. Thankfully no lives were lost, but it's only a matter of time. Climate change is, without a doubt, bringing on changes in weather and bushfire patterns faster than we can adapt to. Every Spring I start to worry about the hot weather ahead, and I try to limit my trips away to the safer seasons. Having been through the 2003 Canberra bushfires on Ciaron's fifth birthday with Breandan only 10 months old, I will never forget the terror and powerlessness I felt as the fire roared towards and over us. I'm sorry you had such a close call. It must have been very frightening for you. A narrow escape makes us aware of our mortality, and our diminishing time here on this earth...

    Thankfully the weather has cooled and is damper now. I find I have grown to love rainy days the most, as I feel safest then. I hope you are able to find joy in your home and your special treasures, but most of all in your life and loved ones.

    Sending you much love, and hugs,
    Jesse XXX

  11. Oh my dear Suzy! To have those fires so close to you in your new home! I feel terrible for those who lost their possessions but am so grateful no one lost their lives!
    You are so right about mother Nature,her will be done and looks to me like she is slowly taking back what is hers.Most likely as we have not cared for it all enough!(just my thoughts of course) Yes, and they say no such thing as Global Warming? ha!

    Anyway,your photos are so lovely and the gifts you have received,just beautiful! Generous,and beautiful souls are your blog friends!
    sending love to you,Jackie xx

  12. Hello sweetie, I'm so happy to hear you're safe! Let's hope you will never have to flee your home! How terrifying that must be... I cannot imagine how it would be, the thread of those bush fires. We have way too much water here I guess. It's the thread of flooding that we have to cope with though, living in a land a couple of meters below sea level and with so many river deltas and canals.
    The treasured gifts of your friends are gorgeous and precious.
    Take care dear, big hugs and love xx (I will email you soon!)

  13. So sorry to hear about all of those people who have been affected by the fires, good to hear you have been kept safe through it all.
    Such sweet and beautiful gifts you have been blessed with, I hope that the fires quit and you can be free from the fear of them.

  14. Nature is something we all have to respect, for sure. So grateful that no one was hurt. Although devastating, homes can be replaced but lives cannot. Take care of you and be safe!


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy