

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Basket full of Sewing Treasures

One of the most wonderful blessings in life are special friends! You know each others loves, habits, desires and dreamings. So when Sue, my dear friend, Sue, arrived for a stay with her husband, Ian they came bearing this beautiful basket full of sewing bits to feed my passion of sewing creativity. Thank you Sue for the beautiful gift and for the time you spent scouting the Op Shops and gift shops - I am in your debt! Wow what a time ahead to use these lovely braids, lace and fabrics to embroider.
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  1. Some gorgeous pieces here Suzy. Are they cushions or fabrics behind the laces. They are your colours!
    Imagine the fun dyeing those laces.Have fun!!

  2. Suzy, there is something very special about the goodies friends bring to us to feed our particular passion.

  3. How we love our friends hey....and what a lovely suprise she brought you.

  4. What sumptuous textiles here! You should sell lots of these. Isn't working with textile THE most pleasant of experiences!!

  5. Thank you Judy, Dian and Jen for making these lovely comments. Best friends are like jewels that you treasure.
    Judy the pieces that you see are different fabrics. The black piece I would like to embroider.

  6. Love your photo album covers Suzie - must put my order in when I manage to visit - don't worry I'll remember the measurements. Jill (your sister in-law)

  7. Thanks Jill for your lovely comment. I'd love to make you an album cover - anytime.xx Suzy


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy