

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Crazy Little Purses

 Just for something different I have made a few little purses.  These will probably be placed for sale in a little local shop called "Everything Earthy".    Trouble  is once you start it becomes a bit infectious and you begin to think of all the many ways you could create a different look let alone a different style!  I think I will probably be making more of these using other fibres and trims.  It really is heaps of fun co-ordinating all those gorgeous bits of fabric you have saved.  Food for the soul!

1 comment:

  1. Well, what a lovely blog you have here! And I adore your fabric work...the colors...ohhhh lah la! Very nice to visit your neck of the woods & share a love of old roses & gardens with you. Isn't the bloggy world an amazing place?! All the best to you & I'll see you again :>]


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy