Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy and Holy Christmas to you all!

Dear Blogging Friends 
well Christmas Eve is right upon us here in Australia
I just wanted to wish you all a Blessed Christmas
and a most prosperous and creative New Year for 2017.

May there be much joy, love, life and laughter in your
home over Christmas as you celebrate.



Thank you all for your support and friendship
as well as your comments and feedback
over the year 
as you took time out to come and appreciate my artwork.

Love and blessings to you all!


Suzy xox


  1. Dear Suzy,
    Thank you for another year of creativity and inspiration!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours; may the New Year keep you safe, healthy, and creating more art so I can continually be inspired.


  2. Your Christmas vignettes are so pretty.

    Merry Christmas and have a wonderful 2017 dear Suzy ~ FlowerLady

  3. I love having friends in OZ! Then I no the world hasn't ended in my sleep! 😂👍
    A Joyous Yuletide wishes for you and yours creative heart! Xoxofrom the North Pole"

    passe une agréable journée entourée de tendresse et de joie
    mille bisous

  5. Happy Christmas wishes to you and your family Suzy - may it be filled with all good things!

  6. Dearest Suzy, you have a wonderful Christmas too. Warm hugs, Sue

  7. Dear Suzy..
    Thank you for sharing your lovely artwork. The warmest wishes sent to you and your family for a blessed and Merriest of Christmases filled with peace love joy and hope!

  8. Lovely vignettes one and all. Looking forward to next year with all my blog friends. Hope your holiday was magical. xox

  9. Dear Suzy ~ I have missed visiting you here in blogland. Our computer is finally plugged back in and I can type with two hands instead of one finger on my phone ;-).
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful creativity and kindness always.
    Hope you had a lovely Christmas and that your New Year will be full of creativity and peace oxo

  10. Dear Suzy,
    What a most beautiful post!
    I do hope your Christmas was beautiful and I am sending thoughts and wishes for a joyful and blessed new year to you and yours!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork and inspiration~
    much love,Jackie

  11. Suzy, I can not stop looking at your vintage doilies and lace quilt. Is there any videos or instructions on how to make it?

    1. Thank you Brenda. I have no other way to reach you as you did not leave any details!!!! Can you please email me so I can contact you?
      Many thanks,


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy

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