I come from the land downunder living
in a small coastal town
in a small coastal town
on the far south east coast,
New South Wales, Australia
New South Wales, Australia
my home backs onto a tidal lake
where fish and bird life
where fish and bird life
abound and kangaroos sleep on the islands in the lake.
I am a self taught fibre, fabric and mixed media
artist having progressed over the last 30 or so years
from crazy quilt making, spinning, dyeing and weaving.
artist having progressed over the last 30 or so years
from crazy quilt making, spinning, dyeing and weaving.
My passion is creating with vintage and
antique laces, recycled clothing
antique laces, recycled clothing
and fabrics, textures, raw silks, eco-dyed silks,
paper, threads,ribbons, buttons, beads
and all sorts of metal findings
paper, threads,ribbons, buttons, beads
and all sorts of metal findings
create artworks in the form of cloth
and paper books and journals,
and paper books and journals,
collages, fibre art cards, along with many forms of
vintage gifts created from the above materials.

My love also of antiques, time worn treasures,
tattered and torn, nature findings
tattered and torn, nature findings
goes hand in hand with my creativity.
Creating for me is essential for maintaining
inner peace and calm
inner peace and calm
a sense of well-being.