Firstly, I would like to thank every single person that
has visited here and left so many wonderful comments about
my Giveaway. I welcome all of my new followers -
I will try to visit all of you who have a blog
wish each and everyone the very best of luck!
You may recall just a couple of posts back
that I had started to create some dyed wool for a wrap
so very generously set up for people to create a pink scarf or wrap
choosing any medium they desired whether is was
knitted, crocheted or sewn and this item
would be donated to women with breast cancer.
I just love to spin and knit or crochet and saw this
as a wonderful opportunity to contribute something
useful and creative. So I went ahead with some
of my hand spun mohair (from our own Angora goats),
dyed it to achieve a soft shade of washed out pink.
I approached LaShell of
(where I had previously purchased recycled sari silk ribbon)
who very generously donated this beautiful sari silk
as a way of contributing to this amazing project also
for my project which I dyed with the same dye
to blend with the hand spun mohair
Wow! I was really delighted to achieve,
what I thought was, a perfect match!
Well you all know me quite well by now to guess that I
wouldn't be able to help myself if
I didn't include some lace or doilies
So I also dyed some of these as well
and embellished it with a hand fashioned rose
which I also dyed to blend in with the pinks.
It pleases me greatly to know that there is some
very beautiful woman out there who may receive
some comfort and heartfelt warmth as she
travels this difficult journey
all thanks to Vicki
in setting up
this very inspirational project
So if you are interested in pursuing this project and would
like to support Vicki then
I suggest you pop over to her blog and view
some of the scarves that have already been
so kindly donated.
(Her button is on my sidebar at the top!)

A quick reminder too about my Giveaway which
is still open to enter.
If you would like to enter go to my previous post and
add your name there and please don't be shy
as these opportunities don't come all
that often!!!
The date for the draw is Wed. 5th Dec.
Wishing for you all a joy filled weekend with continued
Love and hugs, Suzy xxx