Monday, January 6, 2020

Catastrophic Bushfires in Australia

This was from our sunroom yesterday morning  at 7.30 am but no sun coming to us today as we experience terrifying fires all around us! We have to mask up before walking outside as the sooty air and ash is so thick but we have our lives and we are safe for now but devastated by the unimaginable loss of precious life and properties as we learn of places and people who have lost everything! I think this must be the biggest natural disaster Australia has seen and we can’t see an end to it yet!   

  Dear friends such a transformed sky this morning from red to white (just the smoke we are living with now) and almost feel guilty having the privilege even being able to look out of a window where others no longer can! All your prayers have brought us a little rain even over night to help in quelling these horrendous fires! The second image shows the land still burning on the skyline as the firies are still trying to drive it away from the coastal town of Merimbula and inland Bega areas where we live!
We have been spared for now but we still cannot rest until we get some heavy rains!
I’m feeling so 💔💔💔for the indescribable losses to our people, animals and land!
We can’t thank our firies enough for the absolutely incredible job in trying to keep everyone safe! They are our heroes! It’s about saving lives!
Thank you soo much for all of your loving support through these treacherous days!
We made it this far!

In a week or so the heat will be back with the increased threat to nature life and loved ones but let’s hope it is nothing like the blow torch we need to upon our ignorant politicians and our poor ignorant climate disruption deniers!

Let’s hope love and science walk hand in hand to find a solution!!
 I do apologise for the poor quality of these images
they were taken directly from my iphone
but I think they convey to some extent
the severity of our situation.

Love and thanks to everyone for your support! 
Suzy xxx


  1. Oh I have been praying for you and everyone in Australia!! And for the wild life! I cannot imagine the horror everyone must be experiencing! When I was young our house caught on fire. I have been so afraid of it since. Big hugs!!!

  2. Dearest friend, - the difference is amazing, and I pray it stays the way it is now, so you don`t end up in another frightening period of days , with fire burning close to you and your property . I can`t for real imagine the hell which surrounded you, but I know scare and am so relieved and happy for you, that you now can breathe peacefully,and without anxiety . Lets hope there will fall more rain, and it will soak up the land , lets hope there will be no more properties lost to flames, and lets hope ,no more burning animals . My dearest friend, you are surrounded with my love and from so many other friends, too. Take care sweetie . xoxoxo

  3. We have been so saddened by news of both the drought and now the fires all over NSW and Queensland. Our email isn't working so haven't ben able to email you.
    SA has had fires too, but nothing like over your way. 1/3 of Kangaroo Island is burnt and the smoke and ash have been bad, but nowhere near what I can see you have had. The unimaginable sufferering of the animlas and other creatures caught in the fires makes me weep as well. K I is ringing with shots of farmers have to shoot thier animals that they have been breeding for years.Then there are the bee hives.KI has a special bee that is found nowhere else.However, the beautiful stories of those who are helping, Blaze Aid, spontaneous Help Centres springing up...millions raised by movie stars etc. There is so much goodness amidst so much devastation. Hope is all we have.Hope that it will rain again.The bush will recover, and eventually this terrible Summer will pass. Thank you for thos post.

  4. Suzi, our hearts here in Canada are sore and there are prayers and thoughts with you and your country. Be safe.

  5. Dear Suzy ... What a frightening experience this must have been for you and your husband. We have had a few terrible fires here in Alberta, Canada where large parts of two specific towns where burnt to the ground. We have had to endure the soot and the smoke for weeks at a time, so I can appreciate some of what you are experiencing. We were never in harms way and thankful for it. I truly hope you get some more much needed rain. My heart goes out to your fellow countrymen and women. May they find the strength to put there lives back together again. Take care, Hugs and stay safe!!

  6. Oh my dear Suzy
    I'm so reassurded reading your post and seing you're still in your house and safe! I can't imagine the disaster you're living and the sadness around you!
    I don't understand why your government don't look for international help for more waterplanes in emergency to stop all these fires! And why did they waited so much before acting!
    Thanks for news, I keep on praying for you and your country!
    Big hugs, courage, hope and kisses


Thank you so very much for stopping here to say hello and to see what I have been creating. I really treasure each and everyone of you for your comments. It is so appreciated....Suzy

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